Chapter 3: More Friends & Enemies

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Waking up was something I always hated in the morning, but for the first day of a new school.

I had to get up a little earlier than my brothers because of them always being in the bathroom for a long time getting ready.

Getting my clothes for the day wasn't that hard when you plan it the day before. A black plain t-shirt, dark blue shorts that go down to my knees and white socks (we don't need to do bra and underwear).

Getting in the bathroom and having a nice shower, washing my hair and body for the day. After getting out and drying off my body and hair, then putting my clothes on and brushing my teeth making them clean and shiny.

Leaving the bathroom and seeing Alex come out of his room with his work clothes coming over to the bathroom to get ready himself.

Amber: Morning Alex, did you have a good sleep?

Alex: *yawns*, yea, I did and it looks like you are already for the day.

Amber: Yup I am, I'm excited for my first day at a new school and I already made a friend, but I'll let you get ready, want me to wake up the other two?

Alex: Sure wake them up they need to get ready for our first day of work too.

After our little conversation, Alex goes to the bathroom and gets ready. While I get back to my room and put my dirty clothes in my basket and brush my hair and put it up in a messy but neat boon.

Getting everything in my school bag like my notebooks, pencils, pens, computer and other stuff. Putting it on my bed then going to my other brother's rooms to wake them up.

First was Ace, he is a heavy sleeper and sometimes can't hear anything or anyone, he's like in a whole different world while he sleeps.

Knocking at his door and right away when I do the last knock, the door was open and Ace was already up and ready in his work clothes. A very rare thing to see from him.

Amber: Wow, I didn't know you were already up, you usually sleep in and one of us has to wake you up.

Ace: I know it is a rare thing for me, but I set up an alarm for this morning so I can get ready and not be late. Is Alex and Andy up yet?

Amber: Alex is getting ready in the bathroom and I was just going to see if Andy is awake or not.

Ace: Alright, well I can head downstairs and make breakfast for all of us, how does eggs and bacon with toast sound?

Amber: Sounds good to me, I'll just go and wake Andy up.

Andy is a light sleeper but when he is very tired sometimes he's out like a rock. Knocking on his door for a moment and hearing a groaning sound and then a bang, that meant he was up and out of bed. Meaning he turned too much in the bed and fell off of it and landed on the floor.

Opening the door a little and seeing him on the floor with his blankets half off of him and hearing him groaning more, was something he used to do still as a child.

Amber: Hey, Andy, are you okay? You need to get up and get ready for the day, Alex is in the bathroom getting ready and Ace is making all of us breakfast.

I watched him get up off the floor and sit on the side of the bed and yawn and stretch. He looks straight at me with tired eyes but now is awake.

Andy: I'll be out in a moment, little wolf. I just need to wake myself up a little more.

Amber: Alright, don't push yourself okay, bro. We will wait for you downstairs.

Shutting his door and going back to my room, putting on my black leather jacket, taking my phone off the charger, grabbing my headphones and my bag and heading downstairs.

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