Chapter 5: A New form & mark

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Jacks Pov

Sitting on the yellow couch and doing my homework wasn't helping. Raf, Miko and I talked about our new friend Amber finding out about the truth.

I look over and see Miko talking with Bulkhead and Wheeljack about today at school and probably rock music and monster trucks.

Raf was sitting on the other side of the couch on his computer, doing some coding for Ratchet he asked to be done. Raf was very happy to help Ratchet with some new programming and technology he made.

Looking back down at the questions on my work, I try to answer it but my mind can't focus. I just close my book and put it back in my bag. I see Arcee leaning us against the wall in deep thought, then I see Ratchet working on something with full concentration and focus. He told no one about what he's making, not even Optimus knows.

Speaking of Optimus, I hear the roar of his engine down the front hall coming in the base. I get up and go over to the rail and see Agent Fowler getting out of the driver seat and coming up to the platform. Then once he gets up here, I hear the leader transform into his real form and walk over to the other console.

I go over to Agent Fowler and see him looking over some papers for something.

Jack: Hello, Agent Fowler. How was your day today?

He looks up with a serious face like always but with a smile showing a bit of kindness. Because he was a federal agent he had to be all serious and strict, but when he is here he let's those walls fall down a little bit when getting to know him and just knowing he's doing his job.

Agent/Fowler: I am doing quite well, Jack. How was your school day?

I had a little nervous and tired expression while I talked.

Jack: It was good and a bit strange really.

Agent/Fowler: How was it strange to be exact?

I look away a little, rubbing my hand against my neck, getting a bit nervous.

Jack: Well Raf introduced a new friend he made and they were the new kids at school. She was nice and all but when it came to lunch and we were all talking, Miko said Bulkhead and Wheeljack's names and it looked like she got suspicious about it, then when it came to the end of the day, she wanted to hangout and we told her we had to go to are 'club' and she got more suspicious when the bots drove in without driver but we told her they where self-driving cars.

It was a lot to say but Agent Fowler listened and had a worried face.

Agent/Fowler: That is not good if she finds out about the bots. She must be smart to be this suspicious about this. What is her name and other things you know about her?

I was gonna answer his questions when Raf actually answered it

Raf: Her name is Amber. She just moved here from Canada, she has three brothers that work at the mechanic, goes to our school and also she's in a band.

Fowler looks away and thinks then shows a surprised face, then looks back at us.

Agent/Fowler: If this is true, then I spoke with her at the shop and her brothers worked on my car.

Raf and I had a shocked face, hearing what Agent Fowler said, but what he says next is strange.

Agent/Fowler: Does Amber have a soulmark?

Raf: She does have one, she showed it to me. I can't remember what it was but it was red and blue.

Agent/Fowler: Alright. Thank you for this information boys, I will be looking into this.

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