Chapter 4: The Cars & Symbols

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Lunch came along and I went to my locker and grabbed my food and went to the cafeteria. I saw Jack, Miko and Raf at one of the tables in the back corner. I walk over and sit beside Raf.

Amber: So how are your guys' classes so far today?

Jack: Not bad actually, but I will be more happy when school is over.

Raf: I kinda gotta agree with Jack, school is cool but it's a lot of work. But I like the work sometimes.

Miko: It's so boring, I want it to end so I can hangout with Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

I look over at Miko when she says those names, they sound strange but also familiar to me somehow.

Amber: Who are they Miko?

The two boys looked at Miko like she was insane. I didn't know what was going on at all but now thinking about it, I felt my soulmark tingle a little about it.

Miko: Oh, they are just friends of ours and those are the nicknames everyone calls them.

It sounded like she was nervous when telling me this. Was she lying to me, I did only meet her today and barely know her. I'll just go along with it for now.

Amber: Well they sound nice, maybe I can meet them sometime if they're your friends.

All three of them now had a nervous look on their faces. It is something I said or about something else. The bell goes off and I pick up my trash and lunch over lunch I didn't eat.

Amber: Well I'll see you guys later probably, don't be late for class.

I turn around and walk off to my afternoon class. I didn't pay a lot of attention to them because of the questions going through my mind, who is Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

My fourth class was gym class and we just did laps around the gym and some other students sat on the floor or bench talking. My last two classes I had free so I went to my locker and grabbed my things and went outside and sat against the wall and put my headphones on and played some music while I grabbed my sketchbook and did some doodles and drawings of different things.

I looked at my phone and noticed it was 15 minutes before school ended. Through my music that was coming out of my headphones, I could hear three vehicles pulling in. In front of where I was sitting was a green SUV, black and yellow camaro and a blue motorcycle.

It was strange not seeing any driver in them, but the camaro because it was self driven. Guessing the SUV was also self driving but how is the motorcycle driven on its own? It was strange to think but I just kept it in the back of my mind for now.

When I looked a little closer at the vehicles I actually noticed the style of the logo on them, it reminded me of things but I couldn't put my finger on it. The bell goes off and I watch all the children running out of the building in a hurry to get home or other things.

I see the kids coming down the stairs and walk up to the vehicles, I put my things away quickly and go over to them and their rides.

Amber: So what are all of you doing now that school is done for the day?

Miko and Raf were already in the cars and were about to take off, when I asked. They looked a little nervous when Jack answered my question.

Jack: We're going to an after school club, we always go too.

Amber: Sounds like fun, what is it about? Can I join?

Jack hesitated when I asked those questions. I looked like he was trying to make something up for an answer.

Jack: I-it's a science club, we just build things and help each other out also with the other members we have, but we are full so you can't join, sorry.

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