Chapter 2 : Moving in & making a new friend

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It was around 2pm, when we came up to the house, and let me tell you. It looked very nice for it being cheap, but I can see it because who would live in a hot place like Jasper, Nevada.

Unloading was hell, and I might be over exaggerating it. But, it was HELL! Being in hot heat and getting boxes out of a boiling moving truck wasn't fun.

Alex, Ace and Andy did most of the work, I told them to put my stuff in my room, and I also said if they did everything I'll make their favorite tonight, Tacos and Cesar salad and I will make a lot after being on the road for 37 hours.

Right now I'm walking on the sidewalk with my little bag on my back with some reusable bags for shopping and my wallet inside going to the store. I had my GPS on my phone, so I wouldn't get lost. Looking around the neighborhood it looked very quiet and small.

Taking another turn, I saw the store up ahead. It was only a 10 minute walk and not that hard to find, so that's a good thing. Getting in and grabbing a shopping cart and knew everything I needed for tonight and we would have left overs for a couple of days.

Going around the store getting all the stuff I needed was pretty easy, the store wasn't that large. It had everything in it like a normal grocery store but it was like the size of a dollar store.

After getting everything and paying, I was glad I saved up all my money for anything. After paying I got the bags out of my little bag on my back and put everything inside them and said thank you to the cashier and had a good day.

Walking out of the and walking across the street, I see a cool yellow car and a young boy inside.

Amber: Hey, I wanted to just say awesome car, kid, it looks very nice!

The kid looks up at me shyly a bit and smiles.

???: Thanks, it's my dads car. I never saw you around here. Are you new?

Amber: Yes, I am. My brother's and I just moved in today. My name is Amber.

Raf: Well it's nice to meet you Amber, my name is Rafael, but you can call me Raf.

Amber: Awesome, meeting you Raf. Maybe sometime we should hangout. Being in a new place and making some new friends is pretty good for someone like me right now.

We both smiled and chuckled after what I said. This kid is nice and making new friends is good for a newcomer.

Raf: Yea, that would be cool. Hey, you do need a ride, those bags look heavy to carry.

Amber: Sure, that would be nice, but don't we have to wait for your dad to drive?

Raf: Nope, just get in and you'll see.

Kinda curious after what he said, I placed the bag inside behind the driver seat and get in behind the passenger side. After I put on my seat belt and car turns on and starts driving on its own.

Amber: Holy Sh*t! Your dad has a self driving car, that is awesome!

Raf: Thanks, we've had it for a while now, so we're do you live?

Amber: right on (Address).

After less than 5 minutes, we got to my place and I saw the moving truck was gone and my brother's truck. The car parks next to my driveway and unlocks.

Amber: Thank you for the left Raf. For getting my ride, would you like to stay for dinner as a thanks?

Raf: Thanks for the offer Amber, I'll just have to ask my mother.

Raf got his phone out of his pocket and called his mother, and he asked her if he could stay at his friend's place for dinner. Just a moment later he gets off the phone and puts it away.

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