Chapter 6: Little Concert & meeting

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Amber Pov

It was 7:00pm and my brothers were inside the house relaxing and probably talking about their day and some other stuff.

I was sitting under a large tree, a bit away from the house. I was surprised it was here but it was nice. I had my guitar in my hands and a notebook and pencil, working on a song I heard earlier from Andy. It was by a YouTuber and musician called CG5.

It was a very good and catchy song so I wanted to play it on the guitar and show Andy later on. While strumming to get the notes right, I heard a sound and I looked to my side to see Jack leaning against the tree. It looked like he was in deep thought.

Amber: Hey Jack, are you all good?

He jumped a little from my voice and looked over to find me sitting against the tree too.

Jack: Oh, hey Amber. I'm alright just thinking about some things.

Amber: Would you like to talk about it, is something troubling you?

Jack: No everything is good, you don't need to worry about it. What are you doing here?

Amber: I'm working on a song I heard from my brother and trying to play it on the guitar.

Jack: Wow that's pretty good, are you going to play it sometime?

Amber: Well actually my brothers and I are gonna do a little concert in the backyard just for friends or something. We're probably just gonna practice and set up.

Jack: If you're gonna do that then maybe I can bring some friends of mine with Miko and Raf, to listen and see you guys play?

Amber: That would be awesome, if they want to join. We were gonna do it this weekend, would that work?

Jack: If my friends are not that busy, I'll let you know. Here I can give you my number.

Amber: Sure that sounds all good to me.

We pass each other's phones and put their phone number on them then pass them back.

Jack: I got to go but I'll let you know about the weekend.

Amber: Alright, see you later Jack.

Jack leaves and goes back to his house while I stay seated here under the tree for another hour.

Time skip to the weekend》

Amber Pov/3rd Person Pov

The one thing I don't like is setting up the acquirement and sound, my brother are more good at it but their grabbing the instruments. So I'm here, under a table with my turntable speakers and all of these cords plugging them in or trying to figure it out.

Jack called me yesterday saying his friends could come and watch us play. I was a bit nervous to play in front of new people because we played only at the high school, small events or friends or family, so this was a change for us all.

Amber: Why do cords have to exist?

I hear some footsteps coming in the backyard so I thought they were my brothers finally here with the instruments, but the next thing I know, I hear Miko yelling.

Miko: Hey Amber!!!

I jump and bang my head under the table hard. I always didn't like to be scared when doing something, especially when I needed to be under a table or trying to focus on something.

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