Chapter 1

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In the Badlands...

I wake up to the cold air inside my makeshift rock hut. My arms stretch out, and I roll over onto my stomach seeking Saba's warmth. Guarding me is Saba, my Sabertooth tiger. Warm beige striped fur, stubby tail, paws the size of a large bowl and huge saber-teeth.

I found her as cub in some shrubs.
At the time, I found it unusual that there was what I thought was a panther cub, all by itself without its mother. She was most likely abandoned or disowned. She was an orphan.

She reminded me a lot of myself, I became orphaned at a very young age too. My family and village were bombed and destroyed by some crazy madman by the name of Dr.Blanc and his evil army. I was the only one who managed to escape. I don't know where he is but I wait to seek my revenge on him one day.

Seeing the abandoned cub, I felt for her, and I decided in that moment to take Saba. I've raised her as my family. She trusts me, and I trust her. We sleep, hunt, and travel together, we do everything with each other. I can't imagine for a minute what my life would be like without her.

I had to roll back over to breathe, I don't know what I would suffocate from first, having no air circulation coming in or Saba's odor? I prop myself on one elbow, I swing back around sit up. Outside, I see the sun shining bright.

I scurried toward the entrance and looked out. The sun leaned West, must've been mid afternoon.

Shit! I over slept! It was going to be dark in a few hours, I had to catch dinner before the predators come out.

I wake Saba up by patting her side and giving her scratches. Saba yawns, sniffs my arm, and licks me.

"Saba! Wake up girl! " I smile while I still scratch her.

"You ready to go hunting?" I nudge her.

She pushes me with her head, then signaling to hop on. I retrieve my small, makeshift bag, my barbed wire baseball bat, along with my bow and arrows that laid beside me. I climb onto Saba and rode off to find some ourselves some dinner.

Dawn is normally the best time to hunt, predators usually head to sleep around that time, it gives me and Saba the opportunity to catch some food, but being that I overslept, I had to make it quick this time.

It's been days since me and Saba have found anything big enough to feed us both, so i'm really hoping something comes up. We begin our journey to the small ruined suburb nearby.

Normally Compys and sometimes super large Gallimimus, I call them Galls for short, are running around there snacking. Compys are small little green lizards looking things. ,They're pretty small though, about as big as a small cat, their actual name is something weird and too hard to pronounce, so I just call them Compys.

Anyway, a couple miles in, we find a small ditch behind some shrubs and begin our wait.
Normally when Saba and I hunt, I usually pick the target while Saba does the take down. Saba is giant, with pure muscle yet surprisingly fast.

After she catches her prey, she drags it back and she feasts. I take whatever leftovers she leaves and cook that up. As time went by, the five minutes turned into what felt like hours and there were still no signs of anything, something felt off. I watched the sun get closer to the horizon.

I'm not sure what was wrong but, I didn't want to risk waiting any longer, so I grabbed my stuff and me and Saba began our direction toward the city. You can normally find loads of Compys scurrying around in the streets.

The sun was already half way down in the sky. I had to move quickly to find something before nightfall. I had Saba jog a bit til we made it to the outskirts of the city. Up ahead was an abandoned gas station. "Saba stop here." I commanded her.

I hopped off and ran inside to see if there was anything. I went through the shelves to find nothing it was either rotten or already eaten packets of snacks.

I stomped outside sulking. Saba was resting peacefully when she perked her head up at me. She looked a bit sad. I smiled and stroked her head. "We'll find something soon." Comforting her. I hopped back on Saba and we continued our journey to the city.

We strolled through the streets, continuing to search for a meal, honestly, I could eat a rock, that's how hungry I am.

We continued walking through the towering abandoned buildings, and see a large convenience store. I stop Saba and hopped off, and walk to the store entrance. I stroll through the aisles to look, and nothing. Still nothing.

I suddenly hear a crash from outside, I look out to see Saba is playing in some garbage cans. She shoves her head into the metal pile, and has two Compys attached to both of her sabers.

I laugh, "Good girl Saba!" I congratulate her with scratches behind the ear. All of a sudden her head shoots up along with her ears twitching. Something has alarmed her, I then start to hear what's spooked her, it's sound of a girl's screaming.

To be Continued...

Hi guys! Thank you for reading the first chapter! I know it was short but this story is going to get better as it goes! <3

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