Chapter 9

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A few nights later...

I was fast asleep, when I suddenly wake. I got up out of bed, as soon as I sat up, something felt off, but I ignored it.

I got up, and dressed. As I was getting dressed, I realized Salem and Levi weren't in their beds. I completely ignored it again, thinking they were having breakfast. As I went out to go eat breakfast outside by fire pits, I see a blonde haired woman with a man who looked like Beau'. The woman almost looked like my mom. I was so puzzled, so I got closer, and I realize it's me and Archie!?

My eyes widen. What the fuck is happening? Suddenly then, I see myself turn around, and my jaw DROPS. I was holding a BABY? As i'm trying to process all of this, a toddler waddles in, she was running around and giggling. WHAT? THERES 2 OF THEM? It got even worse, Me and Archie KISSED! WHAT IS HAPPENING? Me and Archie had kids and KISSED?

I had to get away,not knowing what to do or how to feel, so I ran as fast as I could, and as far away as possible until I fall into a black hole.

I jolt up hyperventilating. I start slowly breathing, to calm myself down, I look outside, and it's still dark. Salem and Levi, were still asleep, thank god. I laid back down to try and go back to sleep, but it was no use. I was pretty distracted by the thought of that nightmarish dream of Archie. Eventually I drifted off into a deep sleep.

The Next Morning...

I woke up and got dressed to go find the others. I was still half awake, so I wasn't full aware of anything. As I walk down the porch for breakfast I begin searching for the group and found them eating breakfast. As I begin walking over, I see Archie sitting on the other side of the firepit. Literally the one person I was hoping not to be there.

"Oh hey you're up! Here, I gotcha some breakfast." Salem smiles, she hands me over a bowl of oatmeal. "Thanks." I sit and begin chowing down.

While I eat, I start looking up at Archie. He smiled and continued eating. I felt my face get hot and getting a tickle feeling in my stomach.

Uh- What? What's happening? Why does my face feel like it's on fire and my stomach is being tickled by a feather.

I was feeling this feeling i've never felt before. It felt like someone was tickling my insides, or it felt like butterflies. Was..Was I BLUSHING?

Salem looked at me and I could see she could tell something was up. She nudges me and whispers "Uh- Thana?"
I perk my head up at Salem. I was still bright red."You ok?" She questions me.

"What? Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?." I nervously answer. "You sure?" She asks. "Yes!Im ..fine!" I stutter and get up and walk away.

A few hours later...

Me and Saba were hanging out by a tree. I then see Archie and his friends walk by and sit on a fence post. I attempted to look away, but something made me keep my eyes on Archie. I then feel that same feeling I felt before when he smiled at me. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?

I then hear someone clearing their throat, it was Salem. "Finally I caught your attention." Salem scooches over next to me, "What were you looking at-" She gasps. I turn bright red.

"No way." Salem grins. "You like Archie!" She announces. I smack my hands on her mouth. "SHUT UP! If you're any louder he'll hear you!" I snap at her.

Salem licked the bottom of my palms. I gag "Aw ew." I stare my hands. "That's why you were being so weird this morning?!!" Salem exclaims. "I DONT LIKE HIM. I had a weird dream last night about me and him."

"SPILL!" Salem yells. "Would you stop being so loud!" I snap at her again. Salem sits there with a big smile. "Look,all that happened was that, we were old...and we kissed...and we had two kids. "

She squeals. "You totally like him."
"NO! I don't! Just because we made up doesn't mean I like him!" I huff as I stand up.

She shrugs it off and does the same. "Okayyy suit yourself." We then see Levi, run up to us, he looked excited. "Guys! Dad just killed an Allosaurus!" He ran off. We both dropped our jaws, "Did he just say your Dad killed an Allosaurus?" I repeated him. "I think so." She replied.

We quickly then followed Levi, and as we were running to the upcoming gates, we came out, and this huge Allosaurus was being pulled by a couple of wagons.

"Oh my god! My dad killed this?" Salem asked. "Yea! Your dad is a super skilled sniper, him, my Papa and a couple of other men went out hunting, and your dad managed to shoot himself one. " Thalia explained.

"Where's Dad?" Salem asked Levi, "Over there." He points over to Allosaurus's head where all of our parents stood. We all ran over to him.

"Omg! You killed this?!" Salem gasped

"Yep! managed to shoot right through the skull a couple of times, and now here it is!" Sam said.

"You know Sam, I think we should celebrate this." Beau says as he whistles for everyone's attention. "Folks, tonight we celebrate!" Beau yells out, everyone yeehaws and cheers. "Spread the word!" Margaret says.

"Congratulations dad, you earned it." Levi says. "Thank you son, anyway you guys go off, we gotta get this thing butchered." Sam says.

We all turned around and went back into the village. "Uh, what does your Dad mean by, celebration?" I ask Thalia.

"It's where we get dressed up, dance, and a covey plays live music! It's real fun! Y'all are gonna love it!" Thalia says.

"Dress...up?" I question.
"Yea! Dresses and boots! it's super fun! OH! Here come with me I'll let y'all borrow a couple of dresses I have, we can get ready together!"
She runs off and waves for us to follow her. And that we do.

To be continued...

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