Chapter 6

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The next day...

We then followed Archie and Thalia to the barn where they do their dinosaur training. We began walking down this long corridor with stables all along the wall, there was 1 smaller indoor arena, which then led to this big opening at the end of the hallway straight down.

"Where are you taking us to again?" Levi asked
"Out to the arena, for some riding lessons." Thalia explained.

"Archie's bestfriend, Jett, he was there yesterday when y'all arrived." She began.

"His dad is the head of the dino riding here. He knows his stuff, his Dad wants him to take over eventually, so he'll be the next one to be the head of the department." Thalia explained.

Archie and Thalia's accent, it wasn't the obnoxious kind, it was obviously southern, but had a soft tone to it. Theirs isn't as a strong like their Dad or Mom.

Eventually we made it to the other side. As we made it out there, the Sun was bright, and the scenery had mountains and marshes. It was such a sight. In the middle of the arena, with a couple of mystery dinos walking around, and a group of boys, presumably, Archie's friends.

Beside the arena was a huge fenced in field, with a herd of mystery dinosaurs. The fence had barbed wire around it, most likely so they couldn't escape, they were fast, but they couldn't jump as high like a raptor could, so it wouldn't have a chance.

Archie cupped his hands out "AY JETT!" he yelled out. Soon then, the group of boys walked over, along with the guy standing next to Archie yesterday.

"Archie! What's going man?" They grabbed hands and patted each other on the back.
"We got the newbies that need learning about the Ostyrannuses." Archie says to him.

They look over at us, and back at each other. "Ok, Let's do it." Jett says clapping his hands, he rounds up the other guys to help go grab the Ostyrannuses.

Out in the arena...

We all sat on the fence and watched Jett and Archie explain. I look over to see Levi and Thalia stood a few feet down from us. I think it's funny to watch Levi attempting to pull Thalia, hilarious.

"These are Ostyrannuses, we call them Tyrans for short." Archie explained as he stood in the arena with the dino next to him on a lead. "These are a hybrid of the Nanotyrannus and an ostrich." Jett began. "They run up to about 40 to 50 miles an hour so be careful when riding them around sharp turns." He continued.

Saba stood next to me, while we watched the demonstration.

"I don't trust these guys." I tell Salem.
"Why?" She asked me.
"I don't know, something rubs me the wrong way about them." I said back.
"I like them, I think they seem nice." She tells me.

"Nice? Oh c'mon Salem. These guys seem like total assholes!" I snap at her.
"Hey, don't say that, Jett seems kinda sweet." She giggles.


" That guy Archie seemed to have a thing for you too. He's pretty cute too. " She winked at me. I felt myself turn bright red. "No thank you, I'll pass" I growl at her.
"You guys would make a cute couple." She nudges me.
" Absolutely not, That's disgusting." I growl at her.
She giggles "Oh hey look, Levi is about to go." She points over to Levi, I huff out of being grumpy, we turn to watch.

Archie walks over to his friends and leans on the fence. Levi hops onto Tyran.

I look over to them, they were also watching him like he was dead meat. The sight of that just agitated me, so I looked back over to Levi.
I can see him trying to get all prepared, to try and "impress" Archie and his friends along with Thalia.

I look over again, they started whispering to each other, and giggling.

"Hold here and lean forward a bit." Thalia instructs. "Look at his legs" A kid yells out. "Hold on!" Archie laughs.

I watched him get a grip on the saddle, and soon as he said "Forward" he flew off immediately onto the ground. He wasn't sitting on it correctly and just went for it, which led to him just instantly flying off. Archie and his friends burst into laughter.

Ok that was it, I was mad, and I wanted to prove a point to these children. I nudge Salem "Hey watch this." I smirk and jump over the fence and walk over to Levi and Thalia in the middle of the ring.

The boys suddenly hushed up. "Levi, If you're gonna ride one of these, at least try doing it without falling off." I turn to Thalia. "May I?" I request. "Yea go for it!" Thalia smiles as she moves for me to get on.

I try to hop on, but this creature is just a tad bit bigger than Saba.
"Hang on, Arch!" Thalia calls out.
"Oh no, it's ok, I can do it myself." I told her, but it was too late and Archie was already coming. I eventually managed to hop on, but Archie still came up to me.

I started to scooch up onto the saddle. I then felt a hand touch my lower back, it was Archie's. I turned bright red, I am not allowing its hands to touch me. I flipped my hand around and smacked him.

He looked back at me, surprised that I smacked his hand. "Ok Darlin, suit yourself." He raised his hands and backed off.

I gripped onto the reins, I shot a look at him. He then winked at me and walked back to his friends toward the fence. Omfg, this guy can't catch a break.

I look forward "HYAH!" I yell out and I bolt off! The Tyran screeches and blots.

Woah, they were right, this creature is really fast. Riding this thing feels like riding on top of a super boosted Saba. I had to make sure I didn't pull a Levi, and attempted to keep my balance.

The wind blew rapidly flew my hair back and forth, I hear a slight cheering. It was kinda hard to hear, so I took a look over to the side. The only ones I saw not cheering were Archie and his friends. Their faces were frozen in shock.

"Alright! YEA! WOOO!" Salem yells cupping her mouth and clapping. Levi, Thalia, and Jett were also cheering me on too.
As I continued the rodeo, I go around some sharp corners and swerves, almost falling off a few times, but I eventually finished and stopped the Tyran.

The boys stare at me with shock that I just did that. While everyone else ran up to me and being so amazed by what I just did.

I thank them all as we continue on with the lesson. As I walk past, I make eye contact with Archie and his friends. Archie stares at me walking away. I just stick my tongue out at him and trotted away with pride.

To be continued...

Chapter 5 will be up soon!

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