Chapter 3

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We eventually trot up to this big canyon and go around it. I'm then surprised with a gigantic makeshift, metal village.

We then eventually slow down and pull up to the massive metal gates that protected the village. As we arrive, the guards pull their guns out and aim at Me and Saba, honestly not surprising to me.

"She's with us." Levi replies holding a hand up. Guards put their guns down and open gates. As we pass I stick my tongue out at the guards. They just look away.

We ride in, and I take in the view of the village. There were houses and tents, and a schoolhouse that stood in the heart of it. I was taken aback seeing it in the light. I felt this bittersweet feeling looking at the village, it reminded me so much of mine and brought back many memories.

As I stop day dreaming, I realize people yell in terror and stare at me weird as I walk by, it was like they were scared of me. I was confused why until I forgot that they've most likely haven't a Sabertooth tiger walking around their village before.

We finally arrive at this tent next to the school, up ahead, I see a group of women tending to the horses, the women gasp and they point their guns at me. "SALEM! GET AWAY FROM THAT SMILODON IMMEDIATELY!" A woman with a headband, with similar features to Levi yells at them.

"Mom, it's ok! Please, put down the guns, she's with us!" Salem sticks up for me. "LISTEN EVERYONE! This girl saved our lives and rescued us! She's a hero!" Salem jumps down from the horse.

"What?!" She yells confused putting her gun down and commanding others to do the same. "SAM! GET OUT HERE!" She yells over to the tent.

Salem waves me over, and I jump down from Saba, walking over. Then comes out a man, with similar features to Salem. " What is it Nadia?" He answers coming out, when he notices me, he then looks over to Levi. "Who is this?" Sam asked. "This is Thana, she's injured her leg, so I'm gonna fix it up." Salem explains.

"Let me see." Nadia bends down and observes the brutal cut on leg.
" How'd you get this?" Nadia questions me. "I told you, she saved us! She took out a whole army of men!" Salem cheered.
"Not that many..." Levi rolls his eyes and Salem smacks him in the stomach, with Levi squealing.

"What?" Sam looks at me with a look of surprise. "Nadia." He called for her. He pulled her aside to
speak with her privately.

"You think I'm in trouble?" I whisper to Salem. "You shouldn't be." She responds. After a couple minutes, they come back.
"After Salem takes care of her leg, I'd like to meet her personally" Sam commands to his kids. "Yessir." They comply.

Sam and Nadia walk back into the tent.
"Ok, let's get that leg fixed up for you." Salem waves me over, Me and Saba follow her.

We walk inside a big white hospital tent with a red painted cross on top. Salem pats a bed for me to sit at. I plop myself onto the cushioned bed. I watch as she walks over to a huge table that displayed multiple jars, bottles of liquids, had a and variety of plants in them.

She grabs a couple of jars, bottles, rags and walks them back over to a small stool that was sat next to my bed. She bends down and pauses.

"Oh, just a heads up, this is likely gonna hurt, a lot. Just to warn you." Salem explains. "Hurt? Trust me, I've been through worse." I answered confidently. She looks at me doubtful. "Okay, suit yourself.." She then pours the liquid onto my leg. I feel my pupils dilate, and let out a high pitch squeal.

"I told you it was gonna hurt, it'll be quick I promise then bandage it up." She consoles me.

"Ok" I growl at the sharp pains shooting through my leg, she dabs some rags on my leg, and then begins to slowly stitch it up. I cringe, while clawing my nails into the bed." You're almost done." She continues as she begins wrapping my leg. "AND you're finished."

I look down to observe my bandaged leg. "I've never seen my leg this clean before." I say.
She giggles.

"Knock knock!" Levi yells from outside the tent and comes in pushing the curtains out of the way.

"How's it going? Did you fix her leg?" Levi asks
"Yea she's good." Salem responds.
"Good, Dad is ready for us." I jump down, we walk out of the tent to where their parents were.

We see Sam and Nadia standing outside the tent, with Sam waving us over.
We go inside the tent. I turn to look at Saba "Behave." I command her. She lays down and I slowly turn back around to go in.

I follow them into the tent. As I went in, there was a table in the middle with a map, along files behind on the back wall.

I stood next to Salem and Levi as we stood in front of their parents.

"Ok, now that we're all here, tell me, what exactly happened?" Sam asks.

"So basically, while we were supply hunting in the city, Salem hears a random noise, and decided to go check it out, which then leads us to finding some soldiers transporting a bunch of science equipment, we didn't know what or what it was for, but we're going to report it back to you, until we got kidnapped. Which wouldn't have happened if Salem minded her own business!" Levi explained.

"Excuse me?!" Salem scoffs "If you and your big fat mouth weren't so loud, we would've been just fine!"

"I do not have a big fat mouth! You just don't know how to mind your business!" Levi snapped back.

Sam slapped his hands on the table "That's enough!" Everyone went silent, even I jumped a bit.

"You got kidnapped, then what?" Sam asked.

"After we're kidnapped, we're then taken to the Junkyard, when some weird guy came through, and started to look at our dog tags-"

"Hang on- Who's this, weird guy?" Sam interrupted him.

"..We don't know, but he had white hair, a mustache and broken sunglasses." Salem told him.

I noticed that the couples' expressions began to change. Sam's face ironically began to turn white. They literally looked like they saw a pack of raptors.

"...Dad?" Levi asked him. Nadia walked away with her arms crossed.

"Ok, listen to me, this is serious. That man, did he find out where the village was?" Sam asked.

Before Levi could answer, I felt goosebumps when I heard a scream from outside.

Sam quickly bolts out the tent, along with us following behind.

We all got up and check outside the curtains of the tent, there's a crowd of people at the gate, they were trying to look at something. We ran up to the fence trying to get a look out, but we can't see anything because of all the people.

"What's going on?! I can't see!" Salem yells. "I don't know but i'm gonna get a better look." I ran off toward one of the towers.

"Thana, wait!" I hear Salem yell behind me, but it didn't do anything.

As I reached the tower, I ran up the stairs, hearing Salem and Levi behind me. As I finally reached the top, that's when I finally saw it. It was one of the dead soldiers, I killed just a few hours before, he was impaled onto a stick, with a note attached to his chest by one of my arrows.

"What does it say?" Salem questions Levi. "I don't know, I can't read it from here."

The crowd quiets down as Sam and a couple of guards go out there to look. I gasp, I have to get a closer look. I shoved them both out the way to go outside with Sam.

I hear Levi and Salem try to stop me from going out there so I didn't get in trouble, but this was someone I had already killed, and it was my arrow attached to him. I quickly run down the tower and through the door at the bottom as I run up to Sam.

As I got closer to the note, I finally saw what it read. "You're next, Sam Sullivan" written in blood.

To be Continued...

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