Chapter 4

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I felt sick to my stomach when I saw the note. Levi and Salem followed out behind me. I think they finally realized what it said too, I saw Levi throw up on the wall while Salem covered her mouth is fear, she looked like she was about to cry.

Sam stood there quietly, he snatched the note off the dead man's chest, and stared at it breathless.

"Go inside." Sam quietly murmured.

We still stood there, shocked. Sam then threw himself around. "GO INSIDE!" crumpling the paper.

We were so frazzled we ran back into the tower, inside the gates, and tripping over one another.  We all trampled back in while the guards all yelled at people to move along and get back to what they were doing.

We all slowly moved along looking back at the crowd beginning to panic and cry out.

Sam came back in with the other guards and noticed the chaos beginning. He then grabbed a crate laying on the side, and got on top of it. He then did a high pitch whistle to gather the villages' attention.

Everyone surrounded Sam as he began to speak. "I know we are all in the state of shock, due to what just happened, but we have to remain calm." He began.

"We do not know what will happen next, so for a state of protocol, I'm requiring everyone to lock up, load up, and stay inside until further notice," I hear people gasping and crying out.

"All guards will be required to stay on high alert and extra volunteers for security measures. If the main heads of each department can come to my tent after this announcement, we will discuss further plans. Everyone stay safe." He finished. "Everyone is dismissed!" He yelled out.

Everyone scattered away back to their tents and houses. He stepped down and quickly came up to us, "You three get the house barricaded, and weapons ready." Sam commanded. "Woah wait, who's the 3rd?" Levi asked. He was about to walk away but turned around. "You, Salem and Thana." Sam said.

"Dad you can't be serious." Levi said.
"You said she could fight and saved you and your sister, so she can stay. Now I don't have time to discuss, just get her settled in and get the house prepared with your Mother." Sam then turned around and rushed off.

What?! He just straight up invited me to live here in his village with his family? I wasn't sure why he just allowed me to stay so easily, but I know me and Saba won't be complaining.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Levi whined.
"Levi we don't have time for this! " Salem yapped at Levi, and then she turned to me. "Come on quickly, we have to get prepared for lockdown!" Salem snagged my arm and clicked her tongue at Saba for her to drag me alongside Salem, and to follow us.

After being dragged along to get the village in warfare mode , the village became quiet, everyone was shaken up by the incident, people feared for the worse. Honestly I did too, unknowingly if Dr.Blanc would return to bomb this village too. The thought of it got under my skin. Eventually days turned into a couple weeks.

Over these few weeks though, I did manage to bond with the Sullivan kids. Levi, he definitely took me by surprise. Although, Levi may lack defense skills, but has an exuberant amount of knowledge. I'm not saying he's a genius, but he's definitely one of the most versatile people i've met.

He has this workbench in his tent, where he basically creates military equipment for the war parties. He's made bombs out of chili peppers and tranquilizers made from thorns and snake venom.

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