Chapter 4:Awakening to A New Reality 2

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I shakily walk into class, which is literally filled with students -not just any students, but white students.
They all send me looks of disdain as I continue walking further into the hall in search of a seat, with my head bowed.

It turned out to be a combined class, so it's mandatory for every fresher to attend,or else it's not an emotional torture I would willingly subject my self to.
My eyes darted to an empty seat by the second role, I walk towards it.
"Hey .. mulatto, back off, the seat isn't meant for people of your caliber" says a red-necked asian boy. I back off and advance towards another seat where a popular group of girls called the "Judhers" -Joana,Judy,Judith, Minnie,Lilian,Julia.
You must be wondering how I know their names.. well who doesn't.
"Don't even think of sitting with us,.. mulatto". Judith says and shots me a ferocious glare
Yeah, that one nickname of mine.. can I ever go to school a day without being called that..
I squirm because I really didn't expect that reaction because their seats were about 2 seats away..."get your damn ass outta that seat..."
I walk away but this happens two more times, I could see that these kids were deliberately making life hard for me.
Hmm.. classes had begun and I still haven't found a spot for myself.
Unfortunately , Millie's not in class or else I wouldn't be suffering this much.I find a conspicuous spot but a white fresher pushes me off before I could sit.I confront him,he shots back.
"Hey ... What's all the ruckus about?" The History teacher turns to our direction, adjusting her geek-glasses."Picking on the mulatto aye ..." The whole hall erupts in laughter.
Were her words supposed be humourous or help matters...
As expected, she turns back the board.
I face my predicament. His eyes shot daggers at me as he stands in my way.
I back off slowly squeezing my stress ball and gleeful laughter erupts from the hall.
"Wait a minute, what's that,woah.. a stress ball, do you guys see this , the girl really is a welfie".He says laughing gleefully.
Yeah..what is the worst that could happen.. mulatto.. now.. welfie.
I burn with a new wave of shame.Finding a seat in a crowded hall was already one of my most dreaded phobia.I tap my forehead in frustration while squeezing my stress ball.
I tried to keep the tears that watering in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"Hi.." A calm voice catches my attention, I look up to see our class nerd-Jayden Qin.
"You seem to find it hard to get a seat, you could share mine with me?" He says that even a question...Just when I thought my life seemed to be coming to an end.
He gestures for me to sit.I stare at him in quandary still trying to process this moment.He smiles.His unfathomable golden brown eyes contrasted with his fair and almost pale face.
"There you go" He said gesturing for me to sit.I gradually sit down shakily as I hear whispers from other students.
" Thanks" l say smiling akwardly.He smiled when he saw my bemused face."Tell me if those kids ever bug you, alright?"He says sitting next to me.I stare at him in quandary.He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice.
Well... I didn't see that coming.I suddenly felt jealous stares from the Judhers,staring at me like I was playing with their most-valued possession. Well..I seriously didn't expect to be treated nicely..this time.
"Oh.. forgive my manners. I'm Jayden Qin, you can call me,Alex and you're....?His question snaps me out of my thoughts.
"I'm Carmen"
"Oh,nice name,nice to meet you by the way".
" My pleasure " I smile warily.He smiles back arranging his books on the desk.The jealous stares from the Judhers were preventing me from savouring this wonderful moment.
... Awkward silence.. Was there something I was supposed to say or do afterwards.. damn I am so not used to this.
I try to focus on the class as our History teacher introduces the rudiments of Puerto Rican history.
"Isn't Puerto Rican history supposed to be a course in the Uni,.."I say, thinking out loud.
" Well,Yeah,it should,but things changed since our last principal decided to retire"Alex says staring into my eyes once again. I look back the white board. Seeing him smiling from the corner of my eye, I feel this peace like I've never felt before.
"Today we'll be discussing specifically the impact of Spanish colonization on Puerto. It is essential to understand the context and the lasting effects it had on the island. Anyone care to share their thoughts? "
Out of the blue, a student behind me says :" Well, Carmen here, should have some interesting insights, being "part Puerto Rican" and all"... Jeez.. when did I ever say I was part Puerto Rican..
" Well, let's see what the expert has to say" another student say's
The "ooohh" sounds of amazement resonates in the hall.
.. Well.. here we go again
I burn nervously as every one looks at me expectantly. My mind darts to the time I had to pretend to read an article on Puerto Rican history for 2 hours to impress my crush back there in Nigeria,I couldn't help but feel grateful for that seemingly self-torture.
.well.. I believe I still remember a few things.
I shakily stand up.
"Well..thank you for the opportunity" I pause and meet the mocking gazes from them "The impact of Spanish colonization on Puerto Rico was far-reaching and multifaceted. It resulted in the imposition of Spanish language, Catholicism, and a hierarchical system that favored the Spanish elite. The indigenous Taíno population was decimated, and African slaves were brought to the island to fill labor demands. The legacy of this colonization is still evident in Puerto Rican culture, language, and societal structure today" I say in one breath, staring at Mrs Grange, our History teacher, desperately hoping I didn't go wrong in my words.
An 'ooohh' sound of amazement resonates in the hall.
"Well.. Elena, your insights are incredibly insightful and well-articulated. It's clear that you have a deep understanding of Puerto Rican history." She says smiling...
Phew..that was close..Deep understanding.. huh.. ironically..
I sit down nervously as Alex smiles at me.
I could see the mixed look of astonishment and embarrassment on the faces of the Juhders,.. yeah . they obviously didn't expect it

I was able to sit through the whole class without being bugged. After two long hours of taking in Puerto Rican history, the bell is finally rung.

After class, I pack up my notes and collide face to face with Jayden.He smiles and makes way to enable me to pass.I walked past him and I paused saying:"Thanks once again, you may never realize what that favor meant to me"
"You're welcome "He says smiling as we walk out of class.
"Talking of favors, you really need to know how things work here or you'll be suppressed, and appear weak.With your performance back there,You just look cute but you got some badass blood in you" I smile warmly.
"Jeez I can't believe you noticed that, well my few weeks in this college has been tough, and I obviously can't show my badass Naija character cuz I gotta be a good kid"
" Oh,I see... Being a good kid.. " He sounded sceptical like he could see through my facade. I just didn't want to appear weak.
We walk with an awkward silence for a while.
"Can I ask a question, if you don't mind?"He said looking in my eyes once more.
"Yeah, sure" I said fumbling the edges of my bag for my stress ball.
"Your mom's American and lives in New Haven, right? "Yeah...
" Do you guys live together, as in, like a trio"
I breath down, still surprised he was asking of my mom.
" Well.. Nope, My mum and Dad haven't been together since my birth, so I barely have any memories of her.And that's partially the reason am why I and my Dad moved from Nigeria to Verisidale College, so I and my Mom could mend our Mother and daughter relationship from where ever we stopped."
" Oh, I see"
Thinking of the visit I'll be making to my Mom in two days time,I sigh.I wonder how she'll take me now that am older and skinny.. the thought of it just gives me the creeps. Thinking of how weird the first time we spoke on the phone was..I sigh..
"Right... Carmen.." Jayden's voice snaps me out of my reverie. I realize he had been talking all along.
"Oh my jeez, I'm so sorry,I was trying to process my thoughts, you were saying..?"
I realize we've gotten to the end of the hallway.He smiles. "Alright, then, I'm off the cafeteria, so I'll see you around" He smirks and waves me,I wave back as he heads towards the school cafeteria.I tap my forehead in frustration.
Damn.. how could I be so dumb.. zoning off when talking to a cute boy.

My stomach growls. Yeah.. over to the hunger problems.Back then in my previous school,I usually pack up food for lunch.I can't believe let fear off being mocked or called a baby made me change my mind.I sigh wondering if I'm gonna to once again have a taste of foreign food. Out of the blue, someone grabs my hair and pulls me. It turned out to be Jayden."What.. are you doing?" I ask a bit hesitant.
" Taking to you the cafeteria, I figured out you'd be hungry too".
I let myself be pulled along by him....

Well, how was it?. This chapter was posted belatedly.. my apologies.
Please do well to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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