Chapter Sixteen:"Trifecta

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The hours slipped by in a blur of whispered reassurances and silent tears. Eventually, the library began to empty as the day wore on. Jayden's phone buzzed again, and he glanced at it with a sigh.

*"My driver's here, Carmen, I have to go."*

A wave of panic surged through me at the thought of being left alone.
*"But... I don't want to be alone right now."
Wait,did I just say that out loud

He looked torn, his hand still holding mine.

*"I don't want to leave you, but I have to. Just... stay here, okay? It's safe in the library"*

I nodded reluctantly, watching as he packed up his things. He gave me one last, comforting squeeze before reluctantly leaving.

*"Stay strong, Carmen. I'll see you tomorrow,okay..."

The library felt vast and empty without Jayden's comforting presence. I sat there, staring blankly at my books, unable to focus on anything but the gnawing humiliation and dread.
As the early evening sun painted the library in warm hues,I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breath, but a familiar tightness began to creep in, making my heart race. I fumbled for inhaler in my bag,if at all it was in there.. panic rising as i struggled to draw air into my lungs.
My fingers trembled, and I cursed myself inwardly for not keeping my inhaler within easy reach. Each gasp felt like a desperate plea for oxygen, and my vision blurred as I searched my bag with growing urgency.

I fell on my knees, gasping for air. I felt like life was being sucked out of me,harsh and unforgiving.

My inner panic grew as muffled whispers and soft footsteps approached me.The sound seemed distant, almost surreal. I tried to call out but only managed a weak croak. The figure drew closer, and I could just make out a tall silhouette before my vision darkened further.

"Heyy..are you okay"
The voice was steady, calm. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, gently guiding me to sit up straighter. My breaths were shallow, each one a struggle.
His fuchsia eyes were painted with panic and as he rushed to my side, crouching instinctively knowing i needed help.His dark-toned face wrinkled with concern.
"Hold on,I gotcha,just breath slowly" He said holding my trembling hands with a calm demeanor, he guided me back to the chair I was sitting earlier.
He reached into my bag with practiced ease, pulling out the inhaler, seemingly telepathically knowing it was there.Placing it to my lips, he guided my fingers to press down. I inhaled deeply,like my life depended on it,the familiar medicine flooding my lungs. well obviously it does The tightness began to ease, and my vision cleared slowly.
He held my bag patting it, all while speaking soothing words to ease my racing heart.

As the medication began to take effect, my breathing slowly steadied,my chest expanding with each precious breath. He remained by my side, his presence a embarrassed and relieved me a the same time. With his gentle touch and calming voice, I felt a sense of relief wash over me grateful for his timely intervention.
I squirmed at the thought that he might have also seen those pictures.
I discarded the thought breathing evenly.
He was looking at me ,his eyes washed with the one look I dreaded -pity. I looked away,my insides churned.He was the library prefect, a presence I often saw but seldom interacted with. What am I saying,never talked before
His dark eyes were filled with concern, his grip steady and reassuring
He and the library's quiet aisles bore witness a moment of vulnerability and compassion shared in the fading light of the day. Very few persons are aware of my condition and I preferred it that way.
*"Better?"* He suddenly asked breaking the silence.

I nodded weakly, still catching her breath. He sat beside me, his hand remaining on my shoulder, offering a grounding presence. The library's quiet felt less oppressive now, more like a protective cocoon
*"Thank you... I thought..."*I tried to say though my throat hurt.
*"Shh, don't talk yet. Just breathe."

I followed his instructions, focusing on the rise and fall of my chest. The panic ebbed, replaced by a strange calmness that seemed to radiate from Damien. His presence was solid, unyielding, yet oddly comforting in its simplicity.
"How often does this happen?" He said and I glanced at him"if you don't mind me asking?"

*"No,I don't ,it happens rarely,usually it's under control. Today has been... rough." I said trying my best not to garner pity.

He nodded, seemingly understanding without prying. He sat with me in silence for a moment, letting me regain my composure.

As my breathing returned to normalcy, He offered me a warm smile, a silent understanding passing between us. In that fleeting moment, amidst the musty scent of books and the glow of the evening sun, I felt my insides warm up,comforted by the thought that someone random could care.There was something different about his manner-efficient, almost clinical, yet undeniably human. It wasn't the emotional support Jayden offered, but it felt real, grounded.

I glanced at him,he seemed Nigerian,or so i thought.

The library's lights flickered on, casting a soft glow over the quiet corner, I felt Damien's soft grip on my palm, startling me a bit.He nodded assuredly.

I looked up,it felt different,he had an aura really different from that of Jayden and it felt oddly comforting.

"K... I'll be leaving soon,just came to grab some books,are you gonna go home or..." He said his voice nervously trailing off.
" I actually stay in the dorm, I'll leave soon" I said bowing my head remembering my earlier predicament. do I leave here unnoticed,and he doesn't seem to know about...
"Okay,stay safe" He rose to his feet, glancing at the bookshelves as he did. He grabbed a few volumes, then turned back to me.

*"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Even if it's just a quiet place to breathe."*

With that, he left, his footsteps receding into the depths of the library. I watched him go, a strange mix of emotions swirling within me

I couldn't bring myself to leave. The thought of facing the outside world, the judgmental stares, the whispers, was too much to bear. But eventually, I knew I couldn't stay there forever.


As I stepped into the hallway, the fluorescent lights seemed harsh and unforgiving. A few students lingered, their conversations hushed as they noticed me. I kept my head down, trying to avoid their gazes, but it wasn't long before the whispers started.

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