Chapter 3:Awakening to A New Reality

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I slowly awaken, my surroundings coming into focus-it turns out I'm in the school's sick bay. A throbbing headache akin to a migraine and a sharp pain in my chest, possibly angina pectoris, greet my every movement. Trying to sit up, I wince in discomfort.I find a cannula strapped to my wrist.
However, my attention is abruptly captured by a melodious voice, jolting me back to reality. I discover I'm not alone in the room.

"Take it easy, dear. Lie back on the bed," the school nurse advises, her friendly demeanor evident in her green eyes, lilac hair, and gentle smile. Her face, marked with the wisdom of age, reveals a sense of compassion that puts me at ease.

I examine her, desperately trying to fathom how I ended up here. The embarrassment of blacking out in front of a crowd engulfs my thoughts. I vaguely remember someone carrying me, but the details elude me. My hand instinctively massages my temple, reflecting my confusion.

"Well, you're not exactly in the best shape right now. I'm assuming you're aware of your condition and your triggers," she comments, her tone somewhat robotic as she swivels towards me on her chair. Well, I am aware, I think to myself, frustrated that I happened to forget my inhaler today.

Since the age of ten, asthma has plagued me.
The memory of my first asthma attack remains etched in my mind, a significant event that changed my perspective forever. The nurse's cheerful smile returns as she continues, her words carrying weight.

"To prevent events like this from happening again, you must always have your inhaler readily available. You never know when you might need it. Sadly, two girls lost their lives due to asthma negligence, and I sincerely hope you won't meet a similar fate, my dear." Her warm smile remains intact as she playfully tousles my dark, curly hair.

"Thank you," I finally manage to say, relief washing over me. I can't help but wonder what it is about my hair that these Americans find fascinating.

"Here's an inhaler," she says, extending a Ventolin Inhaler towards me. "Use it until you're able to purchase a new one, alright?"

I gaze at her, filled with gratitude. If only everyone displayed such kindness.

Accepting the inhaler with appreciation, I start searching for my backpack. Glancing at the clock on the wall, It's 10:30.I stare wide-eyed as I realize I've missed my English class.

Cursing under my breath, I think to myself, "Damn it."

"Don't worry, your backpack should be safely waiting for you in your classroom," the nurse reassures me, her smile providing a sense of comfort.

Ironically, "safe and sound."

"I guess you're alright now, so you can head back to class," she says, removing my cannula.

"Thanks once again," I express my gratitude as I make my way towards the door.

"You're welcome, and don't forget to keep your inhaler with you at all times."

"Got it."

Exiting the sick bay, I navigate through a pathway, leading me to a part of the school I haven't explored since my arrival.

Curiosity piqued, I begin to wander.

"Hi," a petite student greets me, causing me to turn and face her.

"You're the new student here, right? The mixed-race one, sorry, I mean mulatto," she stutters, her discomfort apparent as she realizes her previous words might land her in detention. "I don't think I've seen you before. Need help finding your way back to class?"

"Yeah," I reply, trying my best to alleviate her unease. "I seem to have forgotten the way."

"Alright, just follow me."

She takes the lead, guiding me through various corridors. Along the way, we pass a room overflowing with musical instruments, capturing my attention temporarily. Finally, we arrive at the familiar walkway I recognize. Expressing my gratitude, I proceed towards my locker. Retrieving my history notebook, I steady myself as I head towards class.

Walking with an unsteady gait, I embark on a new chapter of my day.

Well , how was that chapter? Well, she's going to be in for more.
Keep reading and pls share your thoughts in the comments section.

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