Chapter 1:As Expected

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Mondays are the worst. Does anyone hate Mondays or is it just me?
Mondays have a way of bringing out the worst in me. I can't help but wonder if anyone else despises them as much as I do. While most teenagers might look forward to Mondays as a chance to reunite with their friends and share weekend stories, for me, this school is nothing short of a personal hell.

"Okay... Carmen, we've arrived," my Dad announces, breaking my train of thought.

I glance up at him and let out a slow sigh. "Why did you choose this school anyway?" I ask, my frustration evident.

"Because it's the best in history, the one your mom attended," he replies, his voice trailing off. I roll my eyes, fully aware that he never likes talking about my mom. Our eyes meet momentarily, and I see a glimpse of something hidden within him. There must be secrets he's keeping from me. It's not uncommon for a typical Nigerian father like mine,to end up with an American dancer. Reflecting on the fragmented stories surrounding my birth, I shake my head. Maybe I shouldn't have been born at all.

My father's voice brings me back to reality. "Aren't you going to school today, sweetie?"

Snapping out of my reverie, I look at my dad, noticing the smile etched onto his face, aged with time. I pick up my bag, sling it over my shoulder, and step out of the car.

"Okay, see you after school," he says, giving me a warm smile. I try to reciprocate the gesture, despite the pain that lingers within, and turn toward the dreaded educational abyss I've been admitted to...

Walking towards the entrance of the hallway, it hits me that it's only my second week in the prestigious Verisidale College here in New Haven. I really hope to avoid those bullies today. The thought of traversing this school's intimidating walkway sends shivers down my spine. It feels like a pageant runway, with white kids staring at me and whispering loudly, seemingly oblivious to my ability to hear them.They clearly don't possess the art of gossiping discreetly like people back in my home country. These folks gossip as if I'm not even in their presence.

I make my way to my locker, collecting my books in anticipation of our morning classes. English and the History of Puerto Rico are on the agenda today. As I close my locker, unexpectedly, I collide with someone, causing my books to scatter across the floor.

"Oops, my bad. I guess I didn't see you there. It's almost as if you're invisible," a suppressed giggle follows. It's Diana and her group of minions, just as I anticipated. I wish I could go through a morning without running into them. The frequency of these encounters makes me question if it's mere coincidence.

Adjusting my glasses, I look up at them. Diana, unsurprisingly, lacks any sign of an apology. She smirks and walks past me, deliberately stepping on my books. I sigh and begin picking them up.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice startles me. I glance up to see a girl with enchanting ocean eyes, a cherubic face, and cascading blonde hair.

Well,she's beautiful-got all the good stuffs. As for me, I inherited my mother's long hair and badass persona.Jeez,I can't believe I just checked her out like that. If I were a boy, I might have fallen head over heels. Pull yourself together, Carmen.

Her angelic voice snaps me back to reality. "You okay?" she asks, gazing at me with bemusement, likely wondering why I had been staring for so long.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, trying to organize my books. She bends down and offers to help. "My name's Millie, and you are...?"


"Nice to meet you, Carmen"

"The pleasure is mine," I reply, giving an awkward smile, realizing she's fixated on my dark, curly hair.

"Alright then, don't mind them. They pick on me sometimes too," Millie reassures me, smiling as we walk together towards class. And that's how I met my best friend, who turned out to be far from calm. She was, in fact, quite the opposite, but also proved to be a loyal and supportive companion.

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