Chapter Eleven:"Our Slice of Literal Heaven"

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Hola Peeps☺️💞✨,It's been a while....
Forgive my delay in updating this chapter, well, here you go...

I unravel its contents to find the one and only antiquated flower plant. It was called the "Lunar Lily✨", the plant I and Tiwa had been cultivating for years now. The leaves had begun to wither...Lord I'm so done
Obviously needed water and sunlight for the past weeks.
I glance inside and I find a note.
"Howfar Ebi? You're finally in New Haven, ensure to take good care of this plant or you'll be dead meat... I giggled at the thought of she frying me... Then the last lines at the back read:" I ain't kidding 😑"
Oh, boy! I bit my lower lip in frustration. I stared at its petals. It's corners filled with moss. There's no saving, I guess... I decided to place it under my bed to further notice. I've got more pressing problems...
My conscience gnawed at me... We'd been taking care of this for years, and I acted so nonchalant towards it and let it die, lord what have I done... no, Carmen, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know, Tiwa should have told you... Argghh... I facepalm myself interrupting the flurry of thoughts on my mind and rush to the bathroom... After a quick and relieving shower, I dive into my bed, jerking up after 30 seconds after realizing I hadn't plugged my phone . I hurry back to bed afterwards as sleep was beckoning on me eagerly.

"Clop, clop, clop" The ceramic plates and glass ones created a cacophonous sound as they collided against each other as I place them in the dish washer the following morning. The sunlight shone ambly through the kitchen window louvres, warming my caramel skin. I hadn't used this dishwasher in a while, well, I guess since my Dad purchased it alongside other household equipment from the Amaecom Company back home in Nigeria.

Just decided to indulge myself today, I hope it comes out clean.
Nodding calmly, I vibe to the vivid tune of Sofia Carson's "Come Back Home" playing from my phone at the far end of the kitchen cabinet. Dad had repeatedly stressed the issue of safety,as per the use of mobile phones in the kitchen so I was literally straining my ears to catch up with her voice.
... Pretending that... we don't care..
But tension cuts, cuts the air... We're more than scared... I'm drowning in our eyes, I'm terrified...
True... Some fears are unavoidable... My playlist progresses ... I'm seizing every moment to say you're wonderful, God bless your mama, she gave the world an angel.. supernatural human, you are....
Nobody mess with you, I go give them kun-fu.....
Ah, Johnny Drille, I smile at the thought of having someone who's got my back all the time, never letting anyone mess with me.
My mind suddenly drifts to the day I met Jaden(Alex),I haven't felt so safe with anyone like that in a long time. A glum feeling suddenly engulfs me.
The shrill sound of the fire alarm jerks me out of my reverie...I sigh dabbing my palms with the hand cloth..yup, that's my forte.
Got the ability to get so lost in space and burning a pot of food in my own presence, while I seem so oblivious. I grab the mittens, putting them on. I hold on to the sides of the steaming hot pot of Okra soup, don't ask me why.. it's one of my Dad's favourite local dishes. We literally had to snuggle some local ingredients from Nigeria to relish this moment and I think we're starting to run out of supplies. Taking off my purple mittens, I dish the evenly baked cassava flakes (yes... It's baked garri as all Nigerians know😌)
Just in time, My Dad walks into the kitchen. He grunts in satisfaction after placing his palms over the the steaming the baked eba and looking at it closely, obviously trying to ascertain it's texture, confirming I had baked it to his taste. I shove my hands into my apron pockets staring at him.
"Ebidei... ( it's okay in Izon Language)You're lucky" He says adjusts his glasses walking briskly to the sink. I heave a sigh of relief, placing the dishes into the tray. I walk toward the Dinning table carefully placing the enamelware on the table. Settling down, I could hear the rushing of water from the faucet. It stops after a while . He walks out, sleeves rolled up, palms moisturized . He grabs a hand towel, dabbing his hands while sitting down.
My Dad has never been the religious sort since I grew up to see him as the only parent figure. So what'd you expect? A short prayer before breakfast? Nahh..
He believed whoever wanted to kill him (if there was any) would do so eventually so long as the Devil willed it, if at all he paid attention to him. He was indeed the diehard sort. I wondered if he was atheist at some point, I thought of asking him, but quickly brushed aside the thought.
The atmosphere was calm and surreal. Only the clinking of dishes as they were opened , the sucking of succulent fish and the smooth sounds of eba gulps rolling down our throats.
"So have you decided ?" He says finally breaking the silence.
" Um...yes" I say between swallows.He was obviously talking about my whimsical decision to live in the dorm. He's been particularly taciturn since my last seizure.
He suddenly takes out a wad of notes placing them on the table.
"For any expenses, whatsoever" He says his eyes returning to his meal.
"Okoide" I said getting up after my meal, genuflecting briefly. He grunts in reply.
After our brief exchange, I pick up the shrill notes and head to my room. I came back after a while, rolling my bag down the stairs.
"Adios, papa"
" Very well" He says looking up to me , his gaze softening. I smile walking past him.
"Ama?" I pause and he continues "Ensure to focus on your studies and more importantly stay away from boys" He adjusts his glasses once more. Hehe, I think I know where I got this habit. "And you'll know peace, you can go"
I smile, talks like these are usually the sort that enter one ear and leave the other... Anyways, I don't have any boy friends. (Emphasis on the gap)
"Thank you" I said finally walking out of the house.
I finally arrive at school and walked hurriedly following a random hallway hoping to get to my dorm. Seems like I've forgotten the way
I threaded on , as usual, it was strewn with students alright, but it gave a different vibe, students stared weirdly ,some whispering, probably wondering where I'm heading to but I didn't more feel comfortable until I had gotten to the end of the hallway. The real discomfort lay there...
I slide through the hustle and bustle of the hallway, some students were already heading to class, couples holding hands and a group of freshmen walking their boxes. I glance at some of them.. who still uses a portmanteau in this day and age...
I shrug walking on,I sight a clique of black juveniles , probably Ghanians, I'm guessing.
I fondled the tendrils of my hair, caressing my curls to ease my anxiety. I grip my suitcase handle as a particularly striking guy's eyes among them meets mine. His friends follow his gaze as he stares at me inquisitively. I moved my fingers to my eyes, massaging my eye bags, seemingly trying to remove sleep crust from the corners, knowing fully well I'd removed them this morning while bathing. His friends stared at me lustfully as I drew nearer .
"Hey, mula... Girl" I shot him daggers with my eyes shutting him up as I finally walk past them, breathing a sigh of relief. They're probably done effing with those white bitches .... not on my porch.
Finally get to the familiar hallway of the Ella Reina's Hall, a few girls threw me odd glances, some flirty . Someone suddenly grips my arm, "Um.. you're new here, I'm guessing, I'm Aubrey.." I paused looking up from my arm to the girl's face. It turns out to be a dark and lanky girl, obviously a lesbian. I sigh and nervously pull my arm out of her firm grip. I hurry past the mini canteen as I feel their eyes on me.
" 218" was inscribed on the 2nd to the last door at the end of the first walkway.
Pushing the door which was already ajar, I hear the distant yet painfully shrill nagging of an old lady. I glanced outside to get a better view, I find students scrambling as the eight o'clock bell is rung. Someone pulls me inside and closes the door. Lord,who the hell is that...The voice continues but it was rather calmer, it turned out to be Aisha, you guys remember her?.
"Awwn, Carmen, I'm glad you're finally here.Just thinking of you a while ago"She says smiling broadly as an bemused smile is registered on my face.
"Oh, Good morning, Aisha"My face gradually softens as I remember our last encounter.
"Ready to learn the secrets of our new slice of heaven?She says smiling and taking my bag off my hands.heaven?quite ironic...she is one gaily girl...
" Oh, right,that was our dorm manager,Ms Nomsa ,a real grumpy lady,she and nagging are like two peas in a pod. Lexicographers probably had her mind when they coined the word "belligerent" "She says trying to lighten the mood.
" Oh, really" I said smiling weakly. lord.. I'm so bad at this...
"Anyways" She continues scrunching her brows "she'll be here any minute so we better head to class".She picks up her sash bag,I grab my bag taking one glance at the other side of the room:clothes and undies where strewn everywhere on the floor and beds ,I look away as we walk out hurriedly.
Rubbing past other students who were equally jittery as the dorm Manager's voice drew nearer, I could hear her scolding someone in high decibel.
" Y'all kids all fucked up, loving yourselves up, ruining your already miserable lives, cuz you've got some hormones running in your damn system" A muffled whimper follows these words.We rush past her as she growled in frustration. We giggled and interlocked our fingers heading to class.

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