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that name used to mean something to someone. It used to mean friendship, companionship,
The thoughts of the young Horseman's ridiculous smile and her unwavering loyalty raced through Shadow's mind as she charged through the Shadow realm. Every time her paws struck the ground, Shadow's heart felt heavier with guilt and regret.
'You serve me and only me. This is your assignment and you will do this for our Prince!' The Mad Queen, Lilith roared inside her head.
Clenching her jaw, Shadow griped the Jade vessel with her sharp teeth, preventing it from dropping and shattering.
''re the Hellhound of the Anti Christ! How could you-is this her doing?' The dying archangel, Micheal, hissed in her head.
"Damia-...Aloxsunamoon will be blamed for this, maybe this will go better than I expected it to go..." Shadow thought out loud, flinching at what would happen to the Princess of Darkness.
Soon, the Hellhound came up to the Dark Castle, the final circle of Hell where the Prince of Lies himself resided. Standing at its' front gates posing as Guards were the Twins. The two served as Generals of Lucifer's Dark Armies...
And as his offspring...
"Evening, Hellhound, what have you here?" The eldest and more polite brother asked, raising a white eyebrow.
"Nothing happened to the Princess, correct?" Dantè, the most obnoxious Demon to have ever been crafted, tilted his head, showing a rare occurrence of concern.
The Twin Generals of Hell were born from Lucifer's and Lilith's...activities making them immensely powerful and feared.
Especially for Dantè, the arrogant one...
Some say even the Horseman feared them.
Demetrix was the Eldest and most fair, earning him the nickname the Iustus unus, the Just one. Just like his demeanor, Demetrix had platinum blonde hair with fair skin. He looked almost identical to the many Angels he battled, save for the two 6s imbedded into the flesh of his skin. He sported light grey armor with an even lighter Claymore for his weapon, unconventional to the heavy armored, heavy weapon mind that Hell has. Although his relatively kind mindset, Demetrix is relentless when it comes to displaying punishment...
Making him the most Feared twin.
Dantè on the other hand, was the complete opposite of his elder twin. He was cruel, sadistic, arrogant, everything the Dark Prince wanted for a son. His hair, black and messy, was almost always tucked under a black hood. Like his youngest sister, Dantè had a red amulet dangling from a rusted chain around his neck.
"You're sister is fine, I have business to attend to with your father." Shadow looked up at the reasonable Demetrix.
"And that business is?" Demetrix's pale green eyes glinted in curiosity.
"It concerns the crowning of him and your Princess, let me pass." Shadow hissed, tensing up for a fight.
"Choose your tone carefully-" Dantè drew his two handed axe and laid the blade against his black shoulder guard.
Demetrix put a hand up to silence his brother and glanced down at Shadow.
"This cannot wait? Our Father is busy-"
"I don't think he would appreciate that you kept me from seeing him, I hear his punishments," Shadow glared up at Dantè.
"Are very agonizing."
Dantè snarled at Shadow and went to take a step forward, only to be snapped backward by his brother.
"You may pass, just don't take too long."
Shadow nodded once and turned on her heels, keeping her head down when she heard Dantè hiss to his brother;
"She betrayed Damiana, why should we-"
"My King," Shadow bowed, averting Lucifer's piercing red eyes.
"Have you collected what I need?" Lucifer said, descending from his throne.
"Yes, King. Dantè sure is snippy today."
"I do not wish to make small talk, give me the vessel!" The Fallen angel hissed, glaring down at Shadow from his mess of black bangs.
Growling quietly, Shadow laid the Jade cylinder down and pushed it towards the awaiting Lucifer.
"Careful!" Lucifer snapped, snatching the vessel up.
"I suppose I need to hunt down the rest of the Archangels, correct?" Shadow questioned the Dark Lord.
"That is correct. And keep close tabs on the Anti Christ."
"Why do you care about her name, did you grow to care about my daughter?"
Shadow tensed up and shook her head, afraid to answer that horrid question.
"Good..." He held eye contact with the nervous Hellhound and only looked away when her eyes wavered to the ground.
"demetrix et Dantes, Hue ades!" Lucifer called out.
When the twins hesitantly entered their father's chamber, Lucifer grinned a ghastly grin and nodded towards Dantè.
"My sons, I require your assistance with your sister..."
"Anything, Father." Dantè said happily.
"Of course." Demetrix mumbled, crossing his arms across his chest.
Shadow looked at the three conversing amongst themselves and sighed deeply...
This was gonna be a long day...

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