Chapter 10: The Sweetest of Sweet Dreamories

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Looking up at the thundering sky, Muriel frowned and continued trudging down the somewhat deserted street. Every so couple of minutes, she would gaze up at the sky to see any movement of any kind.
"Master, where prey tell are we going?" The young hellhound, Shadow,muttered, looking up at the tense Muriel.
"I'm not too sure, Shadow...away from as many angels as we can, I'm wagering." Muriel answered, picking up the pace, ducking into the darkened park.
"Oof!" A small voice cried, crashing into the disguised angel.
    Muriel looked down and smiled warmly at the blushing young human girl.
"What are you doing out so late, little one?" Muriel laughed quietly yet merrily.
"Um..." The girl gazed up into Muriel's oceanic eyes and seemed to get lost in their bright yet sorrowful depths.
"Um...? Where is your mother, have you lost her?" Muriel tilted her head, allowing a few radiant curls of her blonde hair to fall from her hood.
"No...I..." The girl stammered and looked down at the growling full black husky.
"Shadow won't bite, what is your name, young one, and your mother's name too so I can help you look for her." Muriel lowered to the girl's height and smiled warmly.
"My name is...Janelle Ivory and my mommy's name is Ginnifer...I think I did...lose her..." Janelle sniffled, brown eyes looking as if she were going to cry.
"Do not lose hope, Janelle, I will help you." Muriel stood up and held out her hand, waiting for Janelle to take it.
    When the bright eyed girl finally shakily grabbed Muriel's hand, Muriel turned to Shadow and mumbled;
"non mordebit."
    Shadow nodded once and leapt to the side, disappearing in the darkened brush.
    When Muriel sighed and looked back down at the girl, she was surprised to see her smiling.
"I think you're an angel." Janelle grinned, pulling her jet blue hood over her messy brown hair.
"An angel?"
"Yes, mommy said angels are the nicest people ever, they help us in a lot of ways." Janelle finished.
"And now I'm an angel for helping you to find your mother? I'm sure other humans would have helped you." Muriel laughed nervously.
"No, not really, people here kinda walk past."
"Oh...well," Muriel squeezed the small 6 year old girl's hand in reassurance.
"You humans were always interesting to me." She muttered, leading Janelle as she walked away.
"Do tell me about your mother, what does she look like?" Muriel sighed, pulling her arm closer to her body.
"What's that?"Janelle asked, peeping over at the bundle.
"Nothing really, let's just focus on finding your mother, yes?" Muriel muttered, blue eyes scanning around the two.
     Janelle nodded and skipped after Muriel, still trying to catch a peek at the wrapped blanket beside her.
     The two walked in utter silence, both in their own worlds, until a familiar scent whipped across Muriel's nose.
"Janelle, get behind me..." Muriel mumbled, pushing Janelle back a few inches behind her.
"Oh, Janelle!" A female voice voiced happily.
   Muriel turned back and raised an eyebrow at the woman who owned that voice.
"Oh, hello, are you Ginnifer?"
"Yes, oh I'm so sorry! Jane', why'd you run off?" Ginnifer ran up to the young girl and wrapped her arms around her small shoulders.
"Mommy, she's an-"
"I'm sorry if you're angry that I was holding your daughter's hand." Muriel sighed, holding the now moving bundle of sheets closer to her body.
"It's not issue...I would rather you than a pedophile kidnapper."
"Pedophile?" Muriel raised an eyebrow.
"Well...I thank you, ma'am," Ginnifer smiled warmly and dipped her head respectively.
     Muriel quickly returned the smile with a cheeky grin, showing her gleaming white teeth.
"That necklace is beautiful...wherever did you find this?" Ginnifer asked slowly, absentmindedly reaching out to grasp the necklace.
"Oh it's...nothing really. It's a helps guide me." Muriel smiled widely, gently grasping the blue necklace.
Opening her eyes with a start, Damiana leaned back up from the column and grasped her amulet.
"Are you-"
"She...she had the blue necklace..." She breathed, cutting Azrael off.
"A blue necklace...?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, she had it when..."
"Hm...maybe you are talking about her gift." Azrael put the book down gently and turned to face Damiana.
"Her gift?"
"We were all given gifts from the Creator. Since Muriel was favorited, she was given two gifts. Her sword and the gem of perception." Azrael explained.
"I think...I know what we can use to find the missing shards." Damiana mumbled, kicking herself when she remembered Zareal's face.

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