Chapter 21: Eden

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    In a swirl of shadows, Betrayal the Mad Horse and her rider, the devil-may-care Damiana, came to a slow canter. The place the horse took Damiana was quiet...
Way too quiet.
    Damiana scanned around her, wonder where the hell, no, when the hell the trio were. Gradually, the fast paced click clacks of Betrayal's grey hooves slowed down to soft clops against the stone trail. Around the mount and it's rider was a sight no other mortal could even dream to see. The air was cool and faint, carrying a pleasant scent of apples and a breeze of tranquility. The horseman felt at peace...but at the same time her soul was turning and twisting in unrest..

She was not to be here...

   Despite the welcoming, warm aura the seemingly blissful paradise that embraced the horseman much like a mother would to her child, unseen nails drove into her back like a scornful lover. 

" this place?" Damiana's voice floated from her lips, hanging in the air with uncertain happiness.

     Betrayal only snorted and continued walking forward, looking around as it did so. Damiana sat silently and like her watcher, looked around at the awe-inspiring atmosphere, taking in the sights. The birds chirped cheerful tunes of beautiful, familiar song. As odd as it may sound, Damiana understood the animal noises these birds were making. Some sang about love, how unforgiving, how powerful it is. Others sang of family, how nothing can tear one apart-

"GAH! What?!" Damiana cried when Betrayal knocked her off the saddle.

   Betrayal only made a noise similar to sighing and jutted it's head towards a drop off, looking as if a bridge was once there. 

"I can't cross that, not without wings...and I can barely summon mine and fly!" Damiana frowned.

"Oh my- Damiana, do you know of this place!?" Vora floated over and fluttered around her head.

"If I knew- No, I don't." 

"It's Eden! The old realm of the Humans!! Oh I have only read about this place, but this," Vora sank down to the ground and laughed happily.

"This beautiful world could never be written to express it's true glory." 

Damiana nodded and turned to Betrayal, allowing Vora to live in bliss at the new place. The mare only stared back at Damiana with nonchalant eyes and stubbornly held it's ground.

"Maybe it wants you to go to the Tree of Knowledge." 

"Tree of Knowledge?" Damiana looked over at the Watcher, whom regained her composure and was staring at Damiana, eyes still aglow with euphoria.

"Yes, a tree that," Vora looked over at Damiana and stopped dead in her tracks.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but listen; it's a tree that can tell you things...maybe Betrayal wants you to know something."

Betrayal stomped her left hoof and whinnied loudly, pacing around in a circle in anticipation at the Watcher's statement.

"Okay...but how do I cross?"

"You don't just demand to be allowed to cross, you must earn the right to seek an audience with the tree."

"Oh how lovely." Damiana said under her breath, folding her arms firmly across her chest.

"I am serious! You must be pure of heart, be clear in mind, be in a total state do humans call it, Nirvana?" Vora puffed up in wounded pride.

" do I do that?" 

"You gotta fight that thing." Vora pointed towards the puddle of dark matter that slowly took form.

"This better be good..." Damiana sighed, drawing her dual swords from her sides.

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