Chapter 1:The Astral Plains

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Huffing angerily, Damiana slammed her head against her desk and bit her bottom lip.
"What seems to be troubling you?" Death asked, looking up from the withered book that laid before him.
"Everything...this search is taking too long!" She mumbled from the wood of the table.
"We don't want to look for something and waste our time when it may not be real. Doing-"
"Research before doing anything is a smart move. I know, Death, you've been saying this for the past hours." Damiana looked up and briefly smirked.
"I have been saying it for hours, you say? One would think you would follow it if you remember it." Death said slowly, looking back down at the book.
"Well...I don't know what to say to that, but expect a comeback in a hour!" Damiana groaned, putting her head back down.
When she heard faint chuckles echo through the room, Damiana smirked and felt herself drifting off.
"Well...I found that the Creation Blade was forged by-"
Waking up with a start, Damiana looked around her room, frowning when the chair across from her was empty.
"Aw geez, must've fallen asleep again..." Damiana rubbed her forehead and stood up shakily.
Shaking the blurriness from her eyes, Damiana slowly made her way to her door. She opened the door hesitantly and peeked out into the hallway.
"What in the 9 burning hells??" She gasped, jumping back.
Instead of the lonely hallway, outside Damiana's door was a vast array of floating island like landings floating in a dark space.
"Weird." Damiana gently outstretched her arm and reached out to touch the mirror like surface of her doorway.
"I know, right?" A voice snickered behind her.
Jumping once, Damiana leapt to the side and groped at her sides for her weapon. The figure simply smiled and stepped into better light, pale emerald eyes seemingly smiling down at Damiana.
"Greetings, Princess Damiana." The young man said, looking down at Damiana with distant interest.
"Who are you? Where are we??" Damiana breathed.
"I am Demetrix, First General of Hell's Armada and we are in The Astral Plains." Demetrix nodded, walking towards the doorway.
"Okay...why am I here?"
"Our father wishes to speak with you...I just wanted to see what you looked like. Go that way." Demetrix nodded towards another platform across from the doorway.
"Our...Lucifer? You're my brother?" Damiana looked at the figure questioningly.
"Yes and yes, go on, I wasn't supposed to be here anyhow." Demetrix breathed, running a hand through his platinum blonde hair.
Blinking once, Damiana looked back out the doorway and opened her mouth to say something. When she turned around, the Demetrix character was gone, vanished without a slightest trace.
"Um, okay then?" She said to no one in particular, brushing the black strands of hair from her eyes.
"Guess I should go," Damiana mumbled, taking a shaky step onto the unstable platform.
When the platform made a small groan and started moving forward, Damiana made a squeal and hugged the floor of the platform.
'Why the hell am I doing this?!' She screamed at herself, looking down at the dark void beneath her.
"Okay, just a few steps..." She coached herself, slowly rising up after a few moments.
Taking a deep breath in, Damiana leapt from the platform to the next, landing shakily on each one. Soon she came to a gapping space between two platforms.
"Now what?" She asked herself, crossing her arms.
"Well, that's easy," Demetrix appeared atop another platform above Damiana's head.
"Is it now?" Damiana rolled her eyes, looking up at Demetrix.
"Of course, just teleport like so," Demetrix vanished and appeared next to Damiana in a flash of fire.
"And you're there," Demetrix vanished again and appeared on the platform ahead.
Raising an eyebrow, Demetrix thought for a moment then nodded once in understanding.
"Guess the Council did restrict your powers...I'll help you, don't worry." Demetrix simply flicked his wrist, causing a swirl of flames to consume Damiana.
"See it isn't that hard. Now keep going." Demetrix nodded again at Damiana as she slowly appeared before him.
"Uh...thank you?" Damiana looked to side and sighed when she saw that once again, Demetrix had disappeared.
'Guess I should keep going,'
Summoning all the courage she had, Damiana pushed herself to continue jumping to each shaky platform, urging herself not to look down. Soon, the Anti Christ came upon a rather large, round platform. Taking a step back, Damiana took a running start and leapt from the edge, landing with a small roll onto the circular platform.
'Is this where he told me to go?' She thought, rising herself from the ground.
Uncertain with her surroundings, Damiana slowly paced the smooth surface of the platform, balancing as the object swayed slightly. When she heard a scraping noise, Damiana leapt to the side and barely missed the large blade edge towards her head.
Steadying herself again on the now out of control platform, Damiana dove to the side again when the blade rebounded from the ground and came towards her.
"You're a lot faster, so there's that." Lucifer smiled wickedly, picking up the sword and placing the blade on his shoulder.
"Lucifer." Damiana breathed, quickly rising up from the ground.
"Come now, didn't I tell you to call me Father?"
Wanting to retort, Damiana's red eyes wandered to the large sword that the Prince of Darkness held.
"What is that?" She questioned, examining the surface of the seemingly dull blade.
"This?" Lucifer snickered, "this is Exitium, my blade."
"The Blade of Destruction, my darkest shadow, the end of one reign and the beginning of mine and yours." Lucifer lamented, looking down at Damiana with a devious grin.

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