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The 2 horsemen battled and drew back hell's dark legions as the last of their fallen sister's life essence trickled from her limp body. Each fueled with the ire from seeing their sister die, War and Fury cut down Hell's mightiest of demons with ease. Hordes and hordes of demons fell from the fearsome edge of Chaoseater and the burning spurs of Fury's powerful whip. Their eldest brother, who should've joined his brothers in the battle, only stayed silent and continued looking up at the sky with an absent mind.
The girl...
No, Damiana, is...is...
"Dead" he said, voice sounding extremely hollow.
Her eyes still remained open, yet were now a sullen grey, absent of any life. The blood had long left her body, for the dark red hydrous fluid pooled around the kneeling horseman. His tattered robes and decaying armor was drenched in her blood....
But his hands held the darkest of her blood.
He told her to go and face Lucifer...He knew what the Prince of Darkness and still he wagered her life....
"No matter how hard you tried, Damiana, you were a weakling." Death coughed, feeling his chest tighten.
"Such a god...damned... weakling!" His voice wavered, teetering between unrelenting fury and uncontrollable anger.
"Such a damn idiot!" He hissed to her unhearing ears.
"I cannot believe I even thought you were strong enough." He shook his head.
"I cannot believe I...you were an idiot, you stupid girl...but you were my idiot." He sighed, moving a raven black strand of hair from Damiana's cold forehead.
When Death heard the sound of trumpets blaring and the sound of dying demons, he turned around and looked at the retreating demonic hordes.
"Heaven has arrived to help...and now they are retreating...but they were far too late." He said to Damiana's corpse.
"You wanted to learn about Misery, huh?" He whispered to her, picking her limp body up as he stood up.
"She was...my twin, course. We were once one," he muttered, turning around to walk towards his lumbering siblings.
"But we separated...because we contained too much of demonic and angelic essence."
It seemed as if the world was revolving slowly, for his siblings seemed to be walking in the thickest of tree sap.
"She was a lot like you...and she died just like you...because I was careless."
Fury stopped short and dropped her weapon, placing her hand over her mouth as she looked down at Damiana's limp body.
'It's funny how life is...' Death thought to himself as Fury snatched Damiana's body from Death's grip.
'Our creator built our world in 7 days...' He lamented, watching as his last living sister fell to her knees with Damiana clasped tightly to her breast.
'And I watched yours' end in 7 seconds.' He looked away from Fury's tear soaked face.
Her yellow eyes turned to angry slits, bright depths filled to the brim with hatred.
And with the smallest of voices, the last female horseman mouthed;
"It's all your fault."
In the distance, a lone shadow figure observed the horsemen's show of sadness. Sighing mourning fully, Shadow the Hellhound turned and muttered to herself.
"Heaven's Greatest Knight, The Archangel of Revelation, is dead."
As she walked away, the hellhound felt a single tear escape her eye. Hissing to herself, Shadow muttered into the wind, hoping no one could hear her.
"Goodbye, Anti-Christ...I hope you can forgive me."

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