chapter 34: business trips

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+' Wyatt's pov '+

My temple throbbed as I look down, paper flooding my desk. I had some much to do yet so little hours during the day. I had a headache all damn day and there was nothing that would help. I pushed my paperwork aside, grabbing my phone from my desk. I needed to go to town to finalize a bunch of business deals the way it was. I didn't want to talk to anymore people than I had to today, everyone I was around was being stupid for one reason or another. I reached into my pocket to grab my keys, before grabbing a small case of files. As I walked out of my office, I noticed a few people who I had given patrol assignments lounging around.

"Get back to work." My voice low and aggressive sent a warning as I saw their bodies tense up. I needed to get these business deals done as fast as I could. I needed to look more into the new leader of the McKinley mafia. I knew he was up to something, I just didn't know what. He had been on our backs ever since Carmen died. The little witch deserved her punishment though.

I got to my car, plopping into the seat before looking around for some Advil. I needed this damn headache to go away before I lost my temper. I made my way along the curved road toward the city. The faster I got to the city meant the faster I could get my business deals done. I noticed a car coming up the road, faster than it should be going. I came closer to the car, almost ready to pass it before it veered into my lane. I swerved my car attempting to get away from the car that had come into my lane. I felt an overwhelming pain in my legs and stomach as the car had crashed into mine, sending my vehicle rolling along the ground. I woke up, my head spinning. I noticed my car upside down as I reached up and felt my head, wincing at the pain. I looked at my hand, coated in blood before i noticed black spots in my vision. As the black spots grew bigger and bigger my hearing gave out before I could remember what had happened next.

I woke up, my eyes blinded by the bright light above me. As my vision returned I looked around, seeing Archer asleep in a chair. It looked like I was in a hospital but I didn't remember how I had gotten here.

"Wake up asshole." I said throwing a small water cup at Archer that had been sitting on a small table.

"Oh fuck that's cold!" Archer said, quickly sitting up.

"What the hell happened." I rubbed my head.

"You were in an accident, the doctors said the other guy didn't make it." Archer said moving his chair closer to mine.

"They tell you who the other guy was?" I asked grabbing my phone from the side table.

"Some guy named Boaz Richards." Archer looked almost confused, "I'm not sure who the guy was but apparently he was dead at the scene." I wanted to know everything about this guy and why he had decided to ram his car into mine. I picked up my phone messaging one of my members to have them grab a file out of my office and send it to me. I got the message, carefully reading through the information piece by piece. My body slightly tensed as I read the words 'Misson: Take out Mafia leaders.' I couldn't believe my eyes. He had tried to kill me, but he got himself killed in the process. I put my phone down as the doctor walked in.

"Looks like you are feeling better." The doctor said looking at his clipboard.

I nodded my head before the doctor handed me a file.

"This was in the car that hit you, it had your name on it so I suppose you would like it." The doctor said before walking out of the room.

I read through the file going over all the details. It was orders to have me killed so Riot could get to Eos. What would Riot want with Eos, he was not better then a piece of burnt trash. I turned to Archer not realizing the distraught look on my face. I held out the file waiting for him to take it. His reaction was the same as mine after reading the news; confusion, worry, distress. It was all a bit much to bare. I got out my phone to call a very trusted person to me. I looked at my phone seeing Creeds name sit on my phone as the phone rang. One ring, two, three-

"Hello?" Creed sounded confused, "Why are you calling me." "Get Eos now. Keep her safe I think something bad might happen." I said before quickly hanging up returning my focus to the screen of my phone. I clicked on my messages clicking on Eos's name.

Me: Princess, Creed is coming to find you. I am in the hospital and I need you to go with him.

Eos: What do you mean?

Eos: Hospital?? Are you ok!?

Eos: Why does Creed need to get me, I can drive there with Tara

Wyatt: I'm ok darling, please just go with Creed so nothing bad happens.

Eos: Ok, Tara and I will pack up and leave.

I threw my phone down in pure anger. I was imagining ever possible scenario in my mind; Riot killing her, torturing her, or god knows what. I called a nurse over attempting to get me out of the hospital. before I knew it everything went black again.

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