𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 ~ Scrubits

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Dorothy walked through the cold streets; observing the bright moon and feeling the cold breeze blow past her neck. She arrived back at her uncle, Charles', home as she felt anxious once again. In her hands, she carried a bag of baked goods from Melinda and some food that was available for her to buy. As she entered, in front of her, was Charles and his theatre friends (the usual, Melinda, Manfred and Richard but now also, Donald and George), who were laughing and chattering away as if they weren't suffering. Dorothy wished they could be like that, the whole time, not just for small moments.

"Uncle Charles." She greeted them all. "Here," She handed him the bag of treats. "I got you food for the week." Charles looked up to his niece, making him smile at the sight of her. If there was something that Charles loved more than anything in a world that had wronged him, it was (of course) Dorothy. "You're a lifesaver, darling." He took it from her hands, and threw it at Donald. Dorothy arched an eyebrow in confusion. "He suggested something stupid, and...I felt like it." Charles simply explained. She just shook her head with a sigh, and went over to the small sink, pouring some water into her cup. "So, did you start making a living through that voice of yours?" George asked her.

"Yeah, we were just discussing some performances we could do, now that we're on break. We could perform them at Galeries Gourmet, it's been known to have the most expensive buyers. You could use those tones of yours." Melinda smiled. The blonde licked her lips for a brief moment, and then took a seat next to her uncle. The others looked at Dorothy, questionably. "So?"

With a heavy heart, Dorothy denied. "I've been busy with other things." Everyone exchanged concerned glances, except for Charles. He knew that Dorothy had been struggling with these two debts that they both had, and the fact she had to take over his own debt, because of his health. He felt terribly guilty about himself, with how he wasn't able to help. The twins, Richard, and the others had wanted to help as well but those five were one step ahead of them, and said that Dorothy and Charles were not allowed to have any help from outsiders. That meant, they couldn't have any wages from their friends at all. It was as if the three chocolatiers, Mrs Scrubit and Bleacher wanted the both of them to suffer to their full potential.

Dorothy avoided eye contact with Charles, as she didn't want to disappoint him. However, Charles just put his hand over one of hers, that was on her cup. "I understand, sweetheart." He stated. "When we talked about this, I wasn't expecting you to go straight away and perform unlike these...a**holes!" Dorothy jumped at her uncle's sudden outburst at the end of his sentence. Charles, as said before, was known to have moments where he would yell out randomly. The blonde wished to say she was used to it, but in truth, she wasn't. "I just want you to succeed." Charles smiled. "And as much rage as I have towards you not deciding, just know, that I will take it out on somebody else here today." He continued, Dorothy's eyes widening. "Relax, salty shrimp here just throws pillows at us." Donald reassured her and she sighed in relief.

"I know...and thanks...I guess, Uncle Charles. I'm trying my best." They all offered her words of support, stating that things would get better for her. Dorothy took them in with a nod and a smile at each one, but inside, she knew they were all wrong. How could things be getting better? She's still in debt, and it's throwing her off from completing the dreams that she wanted to achieve. She spent every day, cleaning sheet upon sheet, and trying to get cheap food for her uncle.

Despite the group's efforts, Dorothy always kept feeling a sense of loneliness. She bid them goodnight and left the home, towards the Scrubits building to go to her room, and ready herself for another day of cleaning; and probably nearly go crazy...again.

Dorothy reached the building and came face to face with Bleacher and his dog, Tiddles. The large, black dog barked right up at the young woman; scaring her. Not only that, even the sight of Bleacher terrified the blonde. "You're late, Palmer." He said, usual gruffy tone. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled. "M-My uncle, he needed his food." Dorothy continued but Tiddles barked again. "Why don't you hush those pretty lips and get inside?" He gestured to the doors behind him. Dorothy obeyed and rushed inside from the snow and a monster of her life, shutting the door behind her. "Well, well, Dorothy Palmer. I'm sure Bleacher informed you that you were late, you can have that on your payback too." She turned to see Mrs. Scrubit, standing behind her desk with a prideful smirk. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched. "No, no! Please don't! I've only reached 300 sovereigns!" She pleaded. "No! No!" Mrs Scrubit mocked Dorothy's high pitch and gave a chuckle in reply.

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