𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 ~ For A Moment

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Dorothy and Willy were ducked down behind a truck; as Noodle was up at the ticket booth for the zoo. The blonde had to admit going out for the first time and having no worry or fear about who would catch her and what would happen was quite an adrenaline rush. The two young adults locked eyes for a split second and shared a sweet smile. It was seeing each other up close that made Dorothy and Willy feel strange again, but what was it?

The small moment broke when Noodle came back in a rush. "What is it really?" She asked Willy. "It's called 'A Big Night Out'. A single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town. The outer layer is champagne truffle." He began to explain. They looked back to see the man pop it into his mouth and compliment it. "Next comes a layer of white wine. Then red. That's when the singing and dancing starts." Then, the guard got up from his seat (seen from his silhouette) and started to dance. "It's when he hits the layer of whiskey fudge, he'll get emotional." Willy said. The man then went back into his chair and started to cry. "She was the only woman I ever loved!" Dorothy and Willy shared an amusing look. "He might do something reckless." He stated. The guard picked up the phone and dialled a number. "I'll give her a call. What harm can it do?" Noodle and Dorothy looked at each other with a shrug. "Gwennie? It's Basil. I just wanted to say I've always loved you, I love you so much...what? It's Basil Bond! We sat next to each other in Chemistry at school. No, don't hang up!" The woman gave a small frown; she felt bad for the guard and his lost love, romance was something she really loved. "Finally, some old port from the back of the cupboard and..." And then on cue, the guard fell asleep in his chair.

"He'll be okay, right?" Dorothy questioned. "Of course!" Willy reassured the woman. The three all smiled and walked towards the zoo, whilst Willy pulled a lever to open the zoo gates from the hatch. Dorothy put an arm around Noodle, and grabbed a lantern that she had spotted on a bench. She turned it on and the three started to walk around with the blue, night sky gleaming over and the bright moon there to be a light source. Noodle spotted some flamingos and questioned the two adults of why they can't fly away. "I don't know. Perhaps they haven't thought of it." Willy answered the girl. "You're kidding." Noodle arched an eyebrow, staying under Dorothy's arm for warmth. "No, I'm serious. That's the thing about flamingos. They need someone to show them the way." He responded.

After a while of walking past enclosures, they had gone into a corridor with a few enclosures inside. Each door had a sign on them, which was probably for which animal was in each room. "Giraffe...giraffe...ah, giraffe!" Willy walked past the doors and then stopped in front of one that was labelled 'TIGER'; shocking the girl and woman. "Willy, no!" Dorothy called out, just as the man opened the door to a tiger (ready to charge at him) and he screamed. Noodle left the arms of her friend and slammed the door; just in time. "You have got to learn how to read!" She told him. "Why?" Willy questioned. "You were nearly eaten by a tiger! I was so scared!" Dorothy added. "Nearly is the keyword there, darling Dorothy. I've nearly been eaten by a lot of things and none of them got more than a nibble." The two eyes widened at his statement, as he simply just grinned at them. Noodle just led the man away from that room and they found the right one, which was fortunately labelled with the right animal this time. "Now, this is the right one." Dorothy sighed with relief and gestured to the label. "Okay, I'll learn how to read."

Dorothy opened the door; Willy walked in first as Noodle shined her light up at the giraffe in front of them. The three of them looked up at the animal with awe in their eyes at the sight of it. It was as if they had never seen anything like this before in their life. "Good evening, Miss, um..." Willy bowed to the giraffe. "Abigail." Noodle shined her light onto the sign on the wall. Abigail became a little agitated and began to trot quickly forward to the three. Dorothy pushed Noodle behind her to protect her. "Woah, easy now! I brought acacia mints." Willy said as he pulled out a few green treats from his pocket. Abigail looked at them for a second, leaning down and then eating them all from his hand. "Giraffes are just crazy about my acacia mints. Love 'em more than anything else. Except for being scratched under the chin, see?" He said to the girls; giving the example as he scratched Abigail's chin. Dorothy watched as the man gave the giraffe love and care, warming her heart and making her sweetly smile. "You wanna give it a go, Noodle?" Noodle came out from behind Dorothy, still slightly clutching on the woman's arm, questioning him.

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