𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ~ Scrub, Scrub

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Dorothy took the shortcut towards Scrubits. She held herself in her arms as the chilling breeze made her cold. It didn't help that her choice of clothing was uniform-styled, with a skirt and knee length socks, instead of a coat or boots. She remembered back to that wonderful show in the Galeries Gourmet, it seemed this man and his spectacular sweets and treats couldn't leave her mind. Oh, if her Uncle Charles knew, she'd have a right talking to. Charles was overprotective for many reasons and one important one, was specifically boys. 

These thoughts didn't matter anyway. She had to now focus on going back to cleaning sheet after sheet. Dorothy eventually reached the building, peeking through the icy windows to see Mrs Scrubit sorting out some papers. Perhaps it was for that man that Noodle had tried to save last night? She also spotted Bleacher relaxing in one of the armchairs, the last thing she needed was his breath breathing down her neck. Dorothy averted her eyes to see a dumbwaiter, that led down below. That must've been the one that Noodle collected from every morning. Just what she needed! She got down on her knees, regretting it with a small yelp of pain. "I forget we live in a snow place right now, and it hurts...both ways." She whispered with pain. She crawled past the double windows, and right up to the dumbwaiter. Dorothy climbed into it, and held her knees; pressing a button that helped her go straight down to her place of work.


"Scrub! Scrub!"

Those two words were too familiar to Dorothy Palmer. She and the others had come up with those words, to make the day not seem so long while scrubbing those sheets. "Ah, Miss Serenader is back." A woman with dark skin walked up to the dumbwaiter, named Piper. That was Piper's nickname for the blonde, since of course, Dorothy had a voice that can serenade anyone. "Short trip? Your uncle give up the outside world that easy?" She questioned. "Haha, very funny." Dorothy climbed out of the dumbwaiter, sarcastically laughing. "It's called 'He Can't Stand Three Little Rich Snobs, And Got Overprotective Of His 'Little' Niece'." She continued. Piper nodded, understanding. "Why go there of all places? You know you're in debt to all of them." A man spoke up, Abacus. "It's fancy and fancy makes my uncle happy. It reminds him of what he used to have." Dorothy replied, as she played with her hair. She also gave a small wave to Lottie and Larry, to which he enthusiastically waved back to her. "Your uncle is a weird man." Piper scoffed and then walked back to her working station. "Heh, don't I know it?"

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