𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 ~ We'll Work This Out

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The next day, Dorothy gathered her uncle and his troupe to the Scrubits basement. "You sure we won't get them caught?" Noodle asked her. "Please, she's been all over Bleacher the last few days. I'm not sure she'll notice." Dorothy chuckled and the two shared a sweet smile. "So, what did you bring us down here for? You needing some help with the next batch?" Richard gestured to a cart of unwashed sheets. Dorothy crossed her arms with a glare at him. "Actually, she wants your help with our plan." Willy joined the blonde by her side. "Oh, great, this guy." Charles muttered under his breath; Melinda elbowed him in the gut. 

"We've got a plan that'll help us all; pay off our debts, we can even get you back into the industry, uncle!" Dorothy smiled. Charles nodded in slight understandment. He wouldn't mind getting back to the life of a stage star. "Oh, Dorothy, you and your dreams! I always knew you'd come through for us!" George stated with pride. She smiled in reply with awe. 

"How convient that you wisk us away to your place of forced labour. How do we know that you aren't going to make us clean sheets?" Charles argued. "Because commanders don't have imaginative thoughts." Willy stated. "So, what's the idea?" Manfred questioned. "Well, as you all know or as Charles has ranted, Willy here is a master in chocolate!" "Well, I wouldn't say a master." "Oh, but you are!" She chuckled.

"Our idea is that we're going to sell many of these all around town; people would be dying to get something from him!" Abacus said, additionally. "It'd give us enough money to pay off all the debts and even give us enough to improve our lifes for the next few months." He continued. 

"So, how much are we talking, then? For me, at least." Donald questioned as he slowly was feeling convinced. "I prefer to write my calculations down. Saying the amount out loud might amit an electro-magentic shockwave." Abacus took out his small notebook, and handed it to him. It only took him one look to be more than convinced for this plan. "Oh, damn! Twenty-five motherf-" Then, the lights started playing up, causing Tiddles to start barking. Noodle went over to the dog and tried to calm him down, so Mrs. Scrubit wouldn't get suspicious. 

"So, have we pipped your interest?" Dorothy questioned her uncle and family friends. "I'm not so sure. You know what the chief is like." George suggested. "With this plan, we'd get the chief off our back!" Willy admitted. "I'm still not sure, there's more than one policeman." Melinda agreed. 

"Come on!" Dorothy stood atop one of the folding tables, as she stared the group down. "You are people who enterain the public everyday...most of you. However, you put all of your energy, effort, and pride into it! You've created performances that I still remember to this day; it's even inspired me to being a performer myself!" She ranted to them. Some of them showed honoured smiles in reply, whilst others gave concerned looks as the blonde went on. 

"If you could do that, imagine what you could do to help others!" Dorothy continued. "Yeah, you're right. We are able to do that!" Richard smiled. "Yes, now, what do you want?"

"Free of debt!"

"What do you want?"

"Free of debt!"

"Dorothy, my dear niece, seriously..."

Troupe | Dorothy | All

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