𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 ~ 'You've Never Had Chocolate?!'

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Dorothy and Noodle finished giving their service to Abacus; Dorothy carefully folding his clothes and placing them on his desk. The two left him to rest and went next to Willy's room, as the little girl knocked on the door. "Room service." She gently said. Dorothy and Noodle came in, as the blonde placed a bowl of slop on his desk. "Told you to read the small print." Noodle told Willy. "Oh, so you were the person she tried to save!" Dorothy realised. "Hm, well, slight problem with that." Willy responded to Noodle. The two girls didn't reply back and then Dorothy went into realisation once again. "Oh, you can't read, can you?" She asked him. "I've focused my studies almost exclusively on chocolate. For everything else, we've relied on the kindness of strangers." Willy said as he turned around to look at the serenader and the small girl. "And look where that's got you...the Staff Quarters." Noodle stated. "It's better than nothing. You've got a bed," Dorothy gestured to the mattress. Willy sat down on the bed but it broke in an instant, and made him fall right on the floor. "You had a bed." Dorothy corrected her words. "Desk, and a wash basin/toilet." She continued, making the chocolatier feel disgusted by that. "Water comes in two temperatures. Cold and colder." 

"How much do you owe them?"

"Ten thousand."

"Count yourself lucky. I owe thirty." Noodle said. "What? How do you owe them money? I thought they found you down the laundry chute." Willy questioned. "Oh, they did. Took me in out of the goodness of their hearts and charged me for the privilege." She explained to him, with some slight sarcasm in her tone. The brunette then locked eyes with the blonde, as he asked her the same question. "Let's just say...more than Noodle. My debt isn't just to them, it's also to those three snobs you faced today." Dorothy answered and Willy arched an eyebrow in confusion. "When Dorothy was younger, she and her uncle Charles didn't have much to eat so one day, she went into the Galeries Gourmet and stole a tub from each of them. Unfortunately, she didn't get very far and got caught by the Chief of Police, and is now in a huge debt with them." Noodle said, instead of Dorothy, since she knew the blonde never wanted to live that day again. "Stealing is wrong." Willy piped in. "I was starving, okay?!"

"What a bunch of monsters." He changed the subject. "The greedy beat the needy every time, Mr. Wonka. Guess it's just the way of the world." Noodle said, and then the two girls started to show themselves out. "Oh, come on, Noodle. That's just your orphan syndrome talking." Dorothy leaned back into view with an arched eyebrow, right at the man. "Her what?" She questioned as she gestured for Noodle to keep going. "Her orphan syndrome, and we're certainly not going to be eating any slops." Willy walked over to his desk, took the bowl of slop and dropped into a water bucket. Dorothy walked back into his room, as he took out a suitcase and put it on the table. Noodle was told to leave, but secretly stayed to eavesdrop. "What are you doing?" The blonde asked, curiously. "I'm making chocolate, of course. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Absolutely insane." He replied to her. "I don't know. I've never had any." Dorothy shrugged her shoulders.

"You've never had chocolate?"

"No, I just told you that."


"I've stolen it, never got to taste it! Weren't you listening to Noodle?"

Willy just sighed, sat down and opened up the suitcase. Dorothy slightly gaped at this wonderful contraption. Every shelf was filled with a vial of a different substance, tubing that extended beyond the suitcase and buttons that made her wonder what they did. "Fortunately, I have a selection of the world's finest ingredients right here in my travel factory." He said to the blonde. "This is amazing. I mean, I've seen stages and what they can do to transform it, but this is...an awe-filled sight." She slightly chuckled. "Where to begin, that's the question. Ah! I know! Silver linings!"

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