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Evangeline's pov:

        I SMILED AT THE stacks of the selfies that we all had taken. First, it was only Gia and Evie smiling wide and laughing. The last one captured the beautiful sight of all seven of us girls laughing at something Gia had said. I was over the moon, We had formed a bond over one night and it was shocking how quick they opened up to her.

       Of course they didn't go all in and spoke about their lives on the Isle, but they did all the basic things any other friends would do once they spent a day together. They watched knockoff movies, ate a whole lot of junk food, Ivy gave drama about everyone we knew and Mal , Evie , and Gia were surprised about how much stuff a princess could talk yet loved it, and we talked about boys very little , even though I wanted to ramble on about Jay the whole time.

     I bid the girls goodbye and headed towards my door, I approached my dorm and put the key into the lock "Geline! Gelly!" I hear jays voice and I turn to see Jay running at me "I have a question!"he exclaimed before coming to a stop , placing his hands on my shoulders.

       I raise my brows and tilt my head "Geline? Gelly?" I ask with a smirk referring to my new nickname. He let out laugh and stared at me with a smirk "You know because evan- Geline or Gel, Gelly— doesn't matter. I have a question" and the tadpoles start running free and the blush creeps up my neck and ear tips, I slowly bit my lip "What's the question?" I ask with the light raise of my eyebrows

         Jay took a deep breath and looked at me "I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He explained and my eyes widened a bit "Yes! But wait — you hardly know Auradon." I pointed out and he leaned back and crossed his arms cockily "I have my ways. Anyways, will you go on a date with me?" He asked hopefully

          I lean back on my door and cross my arms "Of course I'll go on a date with you, Jay." I say with a scrunched up smile.

        I turn around and twist the lock "I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask with a raised eyebrow "Yeah!" He coughed before adjusting himself leaning back trying to act chill "I- I mean , Yeah — yeah I'll see you tomorrow." He said and I giggled before he gave me finger guns and hurried off

     I walk into my room and pickup beignet and spin her around letting out many giggles "I think I may be in love."


            IM WALKING IN THE HALLWAY alongside McKenna and Kenneth, the redheads

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            IM WALKING IN THE HALLWAY alongside McKenna and Kenneth, the redheads. I'm wearing the brightest smile and I'm feel like I'm literally glowing "Why are you so happy?" McKenna asked tossing her backpack to Kenneth who catches it with a confused expression

        "Oh , no reason." I say spinning in a circle "Did you give her something?" Kenna asked Kenneth and he shook his head rapidly , "No, but I know why she's so happy." Kenneth said with a grin and I shooed him off

𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏 {𝐉𝐚𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now