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Evangeline's pov:

          IM FLOATING ON CLOUD nine after my date with Jay, it couldn't have gone any better. We're walking hand in hand and he drops me off at my door before pecking a kiss to my lips "I'll see you tomorrow, right? I mean of course I will we have school."

I grabbed his face with both my hands "Babe! Yes , you will see me tomorrow." I laugh kissing his cheek , He rest his forehead against mine before pecking it and jogging off. I unlock my door and walk in to see Ben just chilling on my bed playing with beignet "Ah! What're are you doing in here!" I jump back hitting my head on the edge of the door "Ouch." I groan rubbing the back of my head

Ben stood up off the bed"We need to talk." Ben told me. I closed my door and walked to my bed, taking off my heels and using my magic to place them neatly in the closet. "Mal — Mal spelled me." Ben sighed

I widened my eyes "What do you mean Mal spelled you?" I ask turning to him with my head tilted slightly.

Ben walked next to my desk and leaned on it "Before our first game, Mal gave me a cookie, a very good cookie but that besides the point. The cookie had a love potion in it. I'm guessing it's because I was with Audrey and she didn't trust it could happen naturally, so she spelled me! Well, that's what I think at least." Ben exclaimed, now pacing my bedroom before plopping onto my bubble chair — which sits in the corner. He brought two fingers to each side of his head and began rubbing circles

I stand up and lean on my bed post "You said she gave you a cookie? Did she say she made them the night before?" I ask curiously "Yeah? Why?" Ben responded "Was the cookie double Oreo chocolate chip?" I ask sternly and he slowly nodded his head "Jay gave me a cookie before the game too, and I didn't really feel anything." I point out leaning on my hip

"Didn't you guys go to the Enchanted Lake too?" Ben asked. "Duh! It's my favorite place in Auradon, you know that." I responded "Do you feel anything different, like you don't have very strong feelings for him?" Ben asked and I shook my head "You?" And he nodded his head

"When I jumped into the lake and resurfaced, I felt something — I don't know , snap? I guess." Ben tried to explain "Interesting." I hum tapping my chin "Do you plan on talking to Mal about it?" I question and he shakes his head "I like her E, a lot." Ben confesses and I clap my hands happily

"Alright, I'm going to call my Grammy Odie, and I'll tell you why it didn't work on me." I tell Ben and he stands up and nods and heads for my door opening and slipping out closing it behind him

I instantly pull out my phone and fairy-face call her , she answers almost instantly "Evangeline! How's Grammy's baby doing?" She asks her accent strong "I'm doing good Grammy. I have a semi hypothetical question, it's for my magic history class." I tell her and she nods through the screen

I take a deep breath and start breaking down my current situation "So say they're are two people, two other people like them so the put a love spell on them, it works on one but not the other. Why would that happen?" I asks nibbling on my lip

My Grammy taps her chin looking up "Does the one it didn't work on got magic?" She asks knowingly "Yep." I respond vaguely "Oh that's simple sugar pop. The one who gave her magic made sure she can't be spelled." My Grammy shrugged "Well that's convenient. Why?" I question "Because it's magic protection." My grams says nonchalantly "But, the magic only protects so much. The magic of Hades ember and Maleficants scepter, although the scepter can be doable. Curses no. Spells yes." She informs and I nod

    "Thanks so much , Grammy! Muah! I'll see you next week!" I blow her a kiss "Love you!" I say "I love you too, baby. See you next week." She places a sloppy kiss on her phone and I hang up the phone .

I put on my frog house shoes and march over to Jay and Carlos's dorm room, I knock on the door and Jay opens it with a growl before a smile slowly forms spotting me "Hi." He hummed leaning on the door "Hi." I responded "Can I come in?" I ask and he nods quickly , I walk in and lean on the table in the middle of their room "Hi Carlos." I wave and he waves back with a smile

Jay closed the door and standing in front of me , and I'm trying to stay serious "I have a small question, and if it's a yes, I want the reason, if it's a no, it's a no. Okay?" I instruct and he raises a brow before nodding slowly

"Did you try and spell me?" I ask with a stone cold look. The way Jay's eyes widen tells me all I need to know "Why?" I ask and he sighs before answering "When I first got here, I knew I liked you. But I didn't know if you could ever love me , a Villain from the isle and a thief." He sighed sadly and my face instantly softens

I stand up and grab his face "Hey! Don't you ever say anything like that. I've liked you since our first actual conversation. My friends were laughing because I didn't know what the hell was happening to me." I giggled and he chuckled "So of course I love you, you goofball." I say placing a kiss on his cheek. "Oh and I have another question for you." I say and he smiles "What is it?" He wags one of his brows "Will you — be my — boyfriend?" I ask nervously. I wide smile forms on his face and he leans down and kisses me,

I smile against his lips before pulling back with a smile "So that's a yes?" I raise a brow and he nods with the same smile "It's a definite yes." He replies pecking my lips once more

"Now I have to go to rehearsal, for this family day thing next week so I'll see you," I said and he nods

       I look behind my shoulder and I wave at Carlos who smiles and returns the wave , I head out his dorm room and go down to the courtyard


Jay's pov:

I LAID IN BED RAMBLING about Evangeline to Carlos , who simply just wanted to go to sleep "Something about Eva. She no ordinary princess, she's like a firecracker, she's blunt, and arrogant, but she's also a sweetheart, she cares a lot. And she makes me feel these things I didn't know I'm able to feel. I used to think — and still do — that all those fairy tales were corny and made up, but she's kind of changing my perspective, she's so gorgeous and every time she's around me my hands get all sweaty , I get distracted , and I feel this odd thing in my stomach, it's weird." I stared down at his hands imagining Eva holding them.

"Oh! And her eyes!" I smiled with a hum "Her eyes is one of the most attractive things about her, they're light green in the middle and a hazel brown on the outside, and when she's trying to get her way with her friends, pacifically Holden , Kenneth, Ben, Leila, and McKenna she always pouts her lip and gives them the most adorable baby eyes I've ever seen." I smiled to myself

I let out a deep sigh "And after today she was so caring after I told her that the call with our parents went horribly wrong, she hugged me and was so sweet about it. And honestly I'm kind of worried about her , I think she's getting sick. Her eyes weren't as bright as they usually were today, she had bags under them and she looked tired and when I asked all she said was 'I'm fine, just tired' and I could just tell that wasn't the full truth, but I can't blame her." I sighed worriedly

"And I never knew what love felt like, because I've never experienced it, not from my dad, definitely not from my mom. But ever since I've been with Eva, I think I know what it is. I'm no expert, but I think I have a clue." I said before turning to my side looking at the trophy sitting on the window seal, and I know for a fact I don't want to follow through with the plan. I don't want to see the hurt thats going to go through her eyes, those eyes that can make me do literally anything.

No pov:

Carlos turned around to look at Jay with a shocked expression , Carlos knew, for a fact, that his best friend was in love. The same Jay who scared people off with his tough appearance, and only loved his four best friends and father, was really in love with a princess, who's pretty in green, and he was very proud of him for admitting it.

𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏 {𝐉𝐚𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now