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Evangelina's pov:

           ITS FAMILY DAY AND IM laying in bed dying , no not from sadness, nope not from anger. But the worst of them all , sickness. My alarm clock goes off and I groan and shut it off. Ben , Holden, and Ella barge into my room "Oh my hair! Evangeline Di'Maldonia! Wake your royal behind up!" Ella shouts and I drag the pillow over my face

      "Noooo!" I whine coddling myself deeper into my blankets "I'm dying! My head hurts, my nose is all stuffy, my eyes burn, my throats all scratchy, and I'm — sore!" I cry out. "Are you alright?" Ben asks worriedly

    I sit up angrily "No! I am not 'alright'! I'm literally knocking on deaths door!" I exclaimed dramatically and Ben flinches back slightly "I forget how scary you get when you aren't yourself." He mumbled and I accidentally push him into the door with my magic "Sorry!" I cry falling back and bringing the blanket over my face

       Holden sits on my bed pulling the covers back to reveal my face and brushing a curl out of the way, before placing his hand to my forehead and closing his eyes.

     If I forgot to mention somewhere along the way, Holden and Auriella also have magic. Auriella is the literal Golden flower, Holden got magic from his grandpa "Your running a fever, your pretty warm not to hot yet. I think Ella should be able to help you through today?" Holden said looking towards Ella

    She claps her hands giddily and runs over to me and starts singing the song, "Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the Fates' design . Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine." I feel instantly better , not like I did last week, but better.

     "Do you feel better?" Ella asks and I nod , I get out of bed, I do a dramatic stretch closing my eyes in the process "Is that his tourney jersey?" Ella asked with a knowing smile noticing the oversized jersey i'n wearing

       "Not — a — word." I say sternly standing up and walking into my closet picking out my outfit for family day "Beret or no beret?" I asks my friends who all reply "Beret."

    I close my closet and start getting dressed "If I'm even more sick after today it's your guy's fault, I should be resting , sleep, cuddling with my dog." I point out and then I looked down and it clicked "I HAVE TO GET MY DOG READY!" I exclaimed I hurried up the dressing process and grabbed a cute green doggy dress for beignet

     I quickly put it on her and put a cute little bow on her ear "Aww you look so cute." I compliment and she barks at me happily

     I sit down in front of my vanity and part my hair down the middle, I spray water and brush it out before diffusing it quickly. I put on the Beret and grabbed my dog along with a leash to be safe.

     "You get ready awfully fast." Kenneth points out "You should teach Leila , that girl takes years." He finished and I laughed "That she does — now come on I want to go see my boyfriend." I say and they all laugh and we head down to start welcoming everyone .

" I say and they all laugh and we head down to start welcoming everyone

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          BEN AND I STAND NEXT TO EACH OTHER before we sent each other nods as the music started playing "Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight."  Ben spoke holding his arm out, I slipped mines through his and I smiled at my dog who was doing a little dance with Ivy

       I spoke my part next "And now we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents: your dinner!" I smiled before looking back at the group

       "Be our guest, be our guest. Put our service to the test. Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie! And we'll provide the rest." The whole group sang "That's right." I winked at the crowd before us

       "Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres. Why, we only live to serve. Try the grey stuff, it's delicious. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!" Ben jutted his finger over his shoulder at the group, who represent the dishes.

      The boys stepped forwards and I fall back in between Audrey and Lonnie , begrudgingly because as we all know, I highly dislike Audrey .

     "Yeah, they can sing, sing, sing, they can dance, dance, dance After all, Miss, this is France. And a dinner here is never, never second best. Go on, unfold your menu. Go on, take a glance and then you'll... Be our guest, be our guess! Be our guest, yeah. Yeah, come on, yeah. Be our guest, guest, yeah, yeah." The boys sang as we dance behind them

       The boys walk around behind me as Ben spoke his next line "We tell jokes," Ben turned around and motioned between him and I, making me laugh, "I do tricks. With my fellow candlesticks." I spoke and started dancing along "And it's all in perfect taste, that you can bet. Come on and lift your glass! You've won your own free pass. To be our guest!" The whole group sung in harmony

     "If you're stressed," Ben said, "It's fine dining we suggest." I finished , a wide smile on my face as I spotted Jay and my family, My mom clapping her hands along as my dad rocked his body

       "Be our guest, be our guest. Be our guest." I sang along with the chorus, before Audrey, Lonnie, and I , walked up and took poses next to Ben "Be our guest!" I take a sigh of relief finally finishing and giving a weak curtsy to the crowd.

𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏 {𝐉𝐚𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now