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Evangeline's pov:

EVERYONE CLAPPED LOUDLY I walked to Ivy and grabbed my dog placing a kiss on her head before spitting my dad clapping proudly. I ran to him and jumping into his arms "Hi Pa!" I exclaimed into the hug "Hey there sugar foot!" He squeezes me , he sets me down and I give my mama a big hug, "Hey, babycakes. How ya been?" She asks me and I shrug "As good as a future royal advisor can be." I shrug before I feel a large arm wrap around my neck

     I instantly pass beignet over to my mama before grabbing a hold on to the arm swing over getting on his back before hopping down and twisting his arm "Hi James, how's my favorite big brother doing?" I tease and he sarcastically laughs before flicking my head "Act like yall got some sense!" I hear Grammy Odie say sternly "Yes, ma'am." We both respond in sync .

     I approach my grandmothers and give them both hugs "I've missed you guys so much." I say and they all smile and I turn to my mom and dad "How's it going back home?" I ask "It's going great, we just signed off a deal with corona. We send our food and they send over their very well established supplies and goods over our way, a win win for all." Dad explained and I nodded

      "Eva, dear! You and your mom come over for a picture." Belle called out and I happily grabbed my mama's hand and dads, and lead them to the picture area , Ben and I stand side by side as our parents stood next to each other "Oh, by the way, I have a new girlfriend." Ben randomly dropped the bomb , Adam and Belle looked surprise but a tad bit happy nonetheless

      I saw as a look of knowing flashed through my mama's face "Oh that's great Ben! Audrey was... something else that's for sure." My mom said in the nicest way possible " Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up. Do we know your new girlfriend?" Belle asked and I held back a laugh waiting to see their reactions,

     I look up at them and smirk "Something like that." And my mom nudged my shoulder with her hand "On the count of three. One, two..." The photographer counted. "Well, sort of. Mal!" Mal bid Evie goodbye before making her way towards the royal families, Adam and Belle's faces dropping in shock.

     "Three!" The photographer captured the couple's shocked expressions and Ben with a wide smile. I chuckled and turned back to my family,. James walked up with my grandmothers and leaned his head on my shoulder "Ma, Father, I think our dear, sweet Evangeline has someone she wants to introduce us to. Don't you Eva?" I turn my head slowly to his "I was stalling!" I whisper scold him

      James was the very first person I told that me and Jay were officially dating , he was supportive, he didn't have a choice , I swore him to secrecy but he said only if I told them on family day. I planned on waiting a little longer , but of course, he ruins all my plans.

      "Who's this mystery person?" My mom and dad ask in sync then share a cute little smile with each other, I throw my head back with a sigh "I'll be back." I tell them begrudgingly. I walk off and hug Jay from behind wrapping my arms around his torso "Hi you." I smile up at him as he looks over his shoulder then turns around

"I was going to do this later but my brother's the worst , so you need to come with me." I say grabbing a napkin and wiping a string of chocolate of his mouth . He laces his fingers through mine and I lead him to my family

He looks like he's seen a ghost, terrified. He has a few inches on my mom, but dad and James are still taller than him , which is probably half the reason for his fear. But he's cool with James they've talked on the phone a few times and they got along just fine.

𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏 {𝐉𝐚𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now