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Evangeline's pov:

      JAY RUBBED SMALL SHAPES ON MY back while we laid in his bed, me wearing his tourney jersey and him shirtless and in black sweat pants "Sunset, we have class. You have to get up." Jay said and I groan nuzzling my body tighter to his "I don't want to." I grumble like a little kid and his chest huffs in laughter

He gently grabs my chin with his index finger and thumb. And lifts my face to his , my eyes flutter open "You get up and I'll take you to that brunch cafe you love so much." He smiled down at me with that damn smirk. I want to say no because I really like cuddling with him, in his bed. But I do love Fairytale Breakfast, the French toast is literally mouth watering.

I smile up at him before pressing my lips to his. He makes a throaty sound and I climb up his body and start straddling his lap, the bathroom door creaks open and Carlos walks in "You guys still aren't up — jeez! Guys! Get a room!" Carlos exclaimed shielding his eyes

Jay laughed as he pulled back "We did, we're in mines." Jay pointed, carefully taking me off the top of him. "You know what I mean." Carlos groaned throwing a bottle cap at Jay.

I walk into the bathroom and do my routine before putting on a green fringe detailed tweed mini dress. With some white heel like boots and my hair in a connect half up half down . I grabbed my bag and threw it on my shoulder "You ready?" Jay asked me and I nodded. He laced his fingers through mine and we met up with Mal, Evie, and Gia.

     We get outside and walk along the path and all the girls start waving at Jay and I have to say something to get them to shut up

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We get outside and walk along the path and all the girls start waving at Jay and I have to say something to get them to shut up

"Hi Jay"

"He's taken."



"Oh your so cute"

"And you're about to find me real ugly." I use my magic on the last girl and shut her up.

Jay leaned down and pressed a kiss to my head "Jealousy is cute on you." He smirked "I'm far from jealous. Just setting some boundaries." I shrug kissing his jaw. "Your guys's PDA, is torturous, you don't even have to ask each other to cotillion." Carlos laughed before pulling me and Jay to the side "But if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" Carlos asks shyly

Jay placed his other hand on Carlos's shoulder "Listen, all you got to do... is look like me." Jay said and I made a shimmer ball in front of his face catching him by surprise "You just gotta be up forward. Don't be all closed off and shy, it never works." I inform Carlos and he nods

"Mal!" Auriella walked over with her tablet "Hey, Ella." Carlos said awfully quick with a smile , "Hey." Ella returned said smile, her dimples radiating "I was wondering...uh... if you liked the.... carrot cake last night." Carlos twisted his head and Jay and I both wince in shame

𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟏 {𝐉𝐚𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now