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A/N: Okay so first off that title up there is temporary and I don't know if I really like it or not, so if you got a better idea, I'm all ears. Secondly, I wrote this last year, but just found it today in my locker. THREE CHEERS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS!!!! Thirdly, I, personally have mixed feelings about this one. I don't know it just seems a little too wannabe poet. Or maybe I'm just being a crazy perfectionist that wants to burn all my work because I think it sucks. ANYWHOOOO, fourthly, this one is a little self-explanatory symbolism (that makes absolutely no frikin sense.) Fifthly, that's all, thank you :D least a little xD


I am a tree.

No, I am a forest.

A mighty forest,

Burning in a raging fire.

A fire of criticism, 

Of anger and hate.

Sap and water boil from within

My incinerating limbs

Hissing out my veins

Into the black, black air.

My leaves are shriveling, shrivel.

The shrivel into no more than floating specks.

My needles pop and whine

Each one bursting out into a sudden fume of conifer.

I continue to burn and boil,

Burst and shrivel,

Living out my infinite years

In perpetual agony.

I retreat within, 

to the life-wood of myself, 

To close my eyes to the haze 

and protect my skin from burns.

Something stirs in me; I awake.

My world is new--dead. 

Raw and charred and brittle.

A world in black and white.

The brightness blinds me.

Snowy ash almost shields the destruction, 

My blinking eyes turn away, 

towards the soothing darkness above.

Thousand of tiny lights

Surge across my vision, 

Echoes of the too-white ash, 

Following and mocking me in my void world.

Blink. They don't disappear.

Blink. No, they do not disappear.

I close my eyes.


The lights are stars.

A plethora of stars coat the sky.

I see constellations: Orion, Taurus, Ursa Major.

The moon is full.

And it is refreshing.

Moonbeams and starlight,

Stir in me a longing,

A desire to grow and to live.

In the farthest reaches 

Of my being

Is where it begins:

A faint tingle.

Lifeblood flows back to me

As the tingle becomes tangible.

Sprouts and shoots travel through time and space,

and I begin to grow and live once more.

I am a tree. 

No, I am a forest.

A mighty forest.

Growing in the light,

A light of strength,

Of hope and perseverance.

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