5 | Devastation

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It was another day. They had to go back to school.

"God, they didn't even stop the games or school for a few days. A student just died." Livia says with swollen eyes from crying all night.
"I know right. That's just evil. They can't even postpone it even if students died." Linnia adds.
"But we have no choice." Says Livia

By the time they got to academy, the aura of the halls was different. Everyone was devastated and still mourning with Arachne's death.

The mentors were then called by Dean and they saw their tributes, chained onto a table.

"Mentors. You have an hour to discuss strategies with your tributes. You'll have a peek of the arena later on. Im afraid the games must still go on, I know all of you are grieving. My deepest condolences." Highbottom states.

Linnia walks towards Treech and sat down.
"Hi again lumberjack."
"Hello my mentor."
Both said jokingly trying to keeo the mood up.
"I'm so sorry about your friend, I know how that feels." Treech tells Linnia.

"You've lost a friend once?"
"I did, he was the male tribute last year, and I might lose another one. Lamina's one of my childhood friends. I don't want to get out of this without her."

That sucks. But me and Coriolanus are trying everything we can to make sure that you guys survive. Maybe I can convice the gamemakers to have more than one victor."
"Thank you." Treech says with a smile.

"Now, me and Coryo sent a proposal to Dr. Gaul. If she approves it, we can help you inside the arena by sending you things you need. You would need donations, I'm sure you'll get lots though. Just perform talents later, you tributes will have a final interview and that's when you'll get donations. Our parents agreed to donate some to you guys, I'll also add some of my savings." Linnia explains to Treech.

"You really want to help me, huh?"
"Of course I do. I'm saving a life here. Besides, you're my age, I can't lose another person again, not after Arachne."
The two continued to discuss some strategies but Highbottom called Linnia, Clemensia, Coriolanus.

"Dr. Gaul needs you in her lab."

"Bye lumberjack, see you later." says Linnia with a smile.


The 3 were talking while walking towards Dr. Gaul's lab.

"She can't expect us to finish that last night right? Arachne just died. I was crying the whole night." Clemensia says, still with a sad voice.
"Uhm, actually we did.. I came over to their house last night to see Tigris and we decided to write it." Linnia replies.
"Okay then, give me the bullet points."

By the time they got to the lab, they were welcomed with weird animals or whatever those are and Gaul greeted them.

"Come here you three."

Gaul led them to a tank of colorful snakes.
"What's the point of the color?" Clemmie asks.
"Oh there's a point for everything, Ms. Dovecote."

quick note: there will be changes within this scene.

"Now.. I liked your proposal, I'll have my fellow gamemakers to fix the things needed tomorrow. Who's idea was that?"
"It was all of us Dr. Gaul. I just wrote it but we brainstormed ideas." Coriolanus replies.
"Okay then. Ms. Cardew, what was your contribution in that proposal. What was your idea?" Dr. Gaul asks Linnia.
"The sponsor items. Such as the food, water, or weapons, whatever the tributes need can be sent to them inside the arena with the mentors' communipad."
"Ms. Dovecote?"
"But of course, they'd need donations which can be sent by capitol citizens or mentors. Those sponsors will be sent in by reprogrammed drones from the war, with facial recognition for the tributes of course." Clemensia responds.
The three's work was amazing, they knew what they were doing.

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