Chapter 15- Coming Home

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~Briella's POV~

Its been 2 weeks since the accident and Nathan is still in critical condition. I got all of my stuff moved into the boys flat thanks to Jay helping me with everything. Owen is facing a LONG time in jail so I shouldn't have to worry about him for awhile.

Other than that everything is exactly th same, Jay and Mollee are still going strong as well as the boys and their girl friends.

I have been staying in the hospital with Nath for the past 2 weeks, but he still hasn't woken up which is really scary to me, Ive never seen him like this, so venerable and helpless, I cant help feel like this is all my fault. Ive thought about leaving for good so he wouldnt have to deal with me anymore, but Jay talked me out of that. I think it would be harder for him to wake up with me gone anyway so I decided to stay. 

I sat in the hard chair next to Nathan's bed like I have been for the past 2 weeks. I just sat there looking, thats all I ever did. Just looking at the mess I made. How his perfectly shaped, soft lips were now cracked and scabbed over. His once flawless face covered in cuts and gashes. And his perfect button nose now slightly bruised. "I caused this" is all I could think as I watched his peaceful frame sleeping, hooked up to hundreds of wires. 

I was hoping today he would wake up, but I also highly doubted he would. This is what Ive been doing the past two weeks, these are the thoughts that filled my head and the things I did all day everyday. The whole time hes been here Ive only left to go to the bathroom, I didnt even leave to eat, I couldnt eat anymore. 

 I sat on the chair and scrolled through twitter, my interactions were full of "Hows Nathan's" and "hope he's doing better's." The fanmily is amazing and honestly one of the best support systems ever. I have been keeping them updated for the past 2 weeks, even though there wasnt really much to keep them updated about. 

After being on twitter for a few more minutes I felt a hand softly brush against my shoulder and a weak "Hello Love" come from the hospital bed next to me. 

"NATHAN, OH MY GOD YOUR AWAKE" I yelled grabbing him and giving him the biggest hug of my life. 

"Yeah......erm where am I?" he asked slowly looking around the room. 

"Your in the hospital" I said my smile slowly fading. 

"Ohhhhh, I think I remember what happened.....did Owen beat me up?" he asked trying to remeber fully. 

"Yeah...I-Im so sorry Nath, its all my fault." I said, tears threatening to fall. 

"Hey, dont cry. This is NOT your fault. You did nothing wrong." He said as he pulled me into another hug. 

"Nathan, yes it is! I caused all of this" I said, tears now steadily flowing down my cheeks. 

"Bri, stop! This isnt your fault so stop blaming yourself. If its anyones fault its mine. Its my fault that I didnt protect you the second I found out he was hurting you" he said tears now pricking his eyes.

"Nathan, dont say that. This wasnt your fault" I said wiping the tears that rested on his bruised cheeks. 

"How about we just agree this was neither of our faults?" He asked grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Alright, Im just happy your awake, I missed you so much. Do you know how hard it was not talking to you for 2 week?" I said smiling slightly. 

"Im sorry, Ill try not to go into a comma again" he said chuckling. 

"Oh shit, I have to get a nurse and tell them your awake!" I said running out into the hallway. 

I returned with a nurse and she got the doctor a few minutes after checking Nathan to make sure he seemed ok. The doctor came in and did some tests and he said as long as he keeps progressing Nathan can come home tomorrow, he also said that even though hed been asleep for 2 weeks he would be tired so we should let him get as much rest as he needed! 

After I got the news I called Jay and the rest of the boys. They all said they'd be at the hospital as soon as the could. 

After I called the boys I called everyone including Nathans sister and Mum to let them know he'd be ok. 

Once I finally finished making calls I sat back down in my chair and just watched Nathan as his eyes slowly started closing. He was so cute! 

He drifted into a sleep or so I thought. A few seconds after he "fell asleep" I saw his eyes popped open quickly again.

"Whats wrong love?" I asked as he turned to look at me. 

"I can't sleep alone, come lay with me" he said scooting over in his uncomfortable bed to make room for me. 

"Nath I cant" I said with a light chuckle. 

"Yes you can, now come on. Ive gone 2 weeks without you next to me properly, I think I deserve this." he said smiling and patting the empty space next to him in indication for me to join him

"Alright, alright" I said as I walked to the other side to avoid being tangled in any wires or tubes.

I carefully climbed into his bed and snuggled into his toned chest.

"Hmmm, much better" he said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Yeah, this is pretty nice" I said as I felt my self become exhausted from going 2 weeks without sleeping in an actual bed.

We laid there for a few minuted until we both drifted to sleep.

~2 Hours Later~

"AWWWW LOOK AT THE CUTE BABIES!" Jay whisper-yelled.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Mollee, Jay, Tom, and Kelsey.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat up, and got out of the bed trying not to wake Nathan.

"How you holding up babe?" Kelsey asked as she came in for a hug.

"Good considering hes finally ok" I said smiling widely.

Just then a nurse walked in "Alright looks like Mr.Sykes here has improved so much that we are gonna release him today, so  he just needs to wake up, sign these, and then you guys are free to go." she said handing me a stack  of papers Nathan had to fill out. 

"Thank you so much" I said walking back to Nathan and slowly shaking him awake.

He opened his eyes and once he woke up all the way he sat up and filled out the papers. 

A few minutes later the nurse came back for all the paper work "Ill go get these signed my the doctor and then Ill bring you a copy, and you can leave" she said to Nathan smiling. 

Whilst we waited I gathered all of mine and Nathans things and put them into our big duffel bag. 

"Well since hes getting out, I guess we can leave" Tom said grabbing Kelsey's hand.

"Yeah, Ill see you all later" I said smiling and finishing packing things up. 

Soon after they left the nurse came back in and gave Nathan the papers and now we get to go home! 

Once I got Nath into the car it was already 7:00p.m. so we decided to have the boys order something for dinner so it would be there by the time we got home. 

After the 45 minute car ride home from the hospital we were finally home,with our big bed and own shower and clothes. 

We got inside and our food was sitting on the kitchen table. I grabbed the food and me and Nathan went to our room to eat. Once we finished eating we watched a movie and cuddled until we both fell asleep. I was so happy to have him home again. And this time Im not letting anything stop us from being together, we need each other, that was very clear. 



Sorry it was such a short chapter and sorry it wasnt very exciting, it was kind of a filler chapter. BUTTTT NATHAN IS HOME!!!!! YAY! 

Im thinking about stopping writing this story, comment and let me know if I should continue or not. 

Thanks for reading!!! 


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