Chapter 9- I Forgot About You...

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 ~Briella's POV~

I woke up in the hospital connected to a ton of machines. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mollee slowly appear in the door frame and walk to the side of my bed. 

"Mollee!" I almost yelled because I was so excited to see her.

"Oh My God, Briella, Im so happy your ok.! There is someone here who wanted to talk to you." she said with a blank expression  on her face waiting for my approval.

"Who?NATHAN?" I yelled this time. I was actually really excited. We needed to talk. 

"Yeah" she said motioning for him to come into the room. 

She left and Nathan walked in. The second I saw him my heart went 100 miles per hour. He looked so cute even tho he was hiding his messy, tangled hair under a snapback.

(Nathans Outfit: )

 "Hi" he said slowly walking towards my bed. I could tell by the look on his face that he was nervous. 

"Hi" I said motioning for him to come faster.

"So can we talk about what happened?" he asked with a hopeful look on his face as he walked right  next to me and grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand away and shook my head waiting for him to talk.

"Everything that happened that night including the kiss felt right, so Im not gonna say sorry for that, because Im not." he said pausing waiting for a response.

"Finish, Ill listen to everything you have to say before I talk." I replied with a blank expression on my face.

"Erm ok. Well I really like you and maybe that wasnt the right time to kiss you, but I dont regret it. It made me realise I want you not Gemma. And Im so sorry she did this to you, I promise nothing like this will ever happen again, I dont care if I have to guard you 24/7 myself, youll be safe from now on."

He said grabbing my hand again. This time I kept it there and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Honestly, I dont regret it either, but I ruined your relationship with Gemma, so there is no way I can be in a relationship with you right now. There is too much drama going on with Gemma. What if she does come back and your no there?" I said starting to tear up.

"Briella, Ive told you before I "ruined" my relationship with Gemma, YOU didnt.  And Im not gonna let Gemma hurt you ever again. Shes at the police station now anyway and Im sure she'll be put in jail." he said wiping my tears whilst fresh ones fell down his cheeks. 

"Nathan, I have no problem being close friends with you and talking to you, but Im not ready to be in a relationship with you right now. I cant handle the emotional side of the fans hate, or traveling all over the place, or interview or anything that goes with dating a member of one of the UK's biggest boy bands." I said in one breath my tears slowing down.

He got a cheeky grin on his face, let go of my hand, and turned around and took a step towards the door. 

"Where are you going.?" I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him back. I was really confused at why he would leave after we just cleared things up. 

He turned around and let out a small chuckle. "You say you aren't ready, but I know I will have you. I dont care what Ihave to do, Ill change your mind and everything will be perfect just wait and see." he said and kissed my forehead and walked to the door. 

He turned around and looked at me "Ill be back tomorrow Bri. Bye" 

"Bye" is all I could get out. 2 weeks ago I was dreaming about Nathan wanting to date me, but here I was turning him away. Maybe I should give him a chance.

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