Chapter 4- Dreaming

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~Briellas POV~

"Of course.!" i nearly shouted. He pulled me into a hug....

"BRIELLA,WAKE UP.! WERE GOING TO SEE THE WANTED TODAY.! GET UP GET UP GET UP.!" Mollee yelled as she jumped on my bed.

"What, there is no way that was all a dream, it felt so real." I mumbled quietly.

"What was that babe.?"Mollee asked while sitting on my bed.

"Erm, nothing, Im gonna go get ready."I said heading to the bathroom.

"Ok, hurry.! We gotta go shopping for outfits for the concert tonight.!" she yelled.

I got to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I couldn't believe all of that was just a dream. I mean no Im not Max Georges cousin but I did live with my Gran and Nathan was dating a girl called Gemma who was probably a bitch.I mean everything just felt so real.

I finished in the shower and went back to my room to pick out an outfit to go shopping and to get ready in general. I got to my closet and picked out my outfit (Briells's outfit: then went back to the bathroom and finished getting ready.

I was finally ready to go, so I got Mollee from my room and we were on our way to the shop. The whole car ride I was telling her about my dream. I still couldn't believe it didn't actually happen I was actually pretty disappointed.

We went into the fist shop and looked through what seemed like thousand different outfits and nothing, so we continued to shop #2. Mollee found her outfit right away and she looked gorgeous (Mollee's outfit: It took longer for me tho....about 5 shops longer, but I finally found what I was gonna wear (Briellas outfit: ), It was simple but cute and it shouldn't have taken me so long to find something like it, but I was happy with my choice, Now it was time for the concert.!

~At The Concert~

By the time we got the car parked and in the building Cher Lloyd was about to go on so we got there just in time. 

We had  front row seats right in the middle, so we had a perfect view of the boys.  We brought signs and pictures and other stuff, we weren't going to go unnoticed, Tonight may be the only chance we get to meet these boys and we wanted to atleast try to get on with them.

Cher sang her last song and then the boys intro music started. Ive never heard Mollee scream so loud and I dont think Ive ever screamed so loud either. They started Behind Bars and if I didn't know better I would've thought Nathan was starring at me......maybe he was.

They sang a few more songs off the album then it was time for Heart Vacancy.  Nathan came to the the front of the stage "Now for this song we are gonna bring a girl up for each of us to sing to....who wants to come up here.??" he shouted into the mic. The whole stadium went crazy.! "Boys, who should we bring up.?" Tom asked into the mic. Everyone got even louder. All the boys picked their girls except for Nathan and Jay. Jay "Hmmm, looks like I have a beautiful fan here" he said holding his hand out to Mollee (he could tell she was "his fan" because her sign said his name on it.) She grabbed his hand and hopped on stage.

"Nathan, looks like you've got someone who fancies you over here too." Jay said while helping Mollee on stage. I blushed as Nath made his way to me. "You ok if I bring you up here with me gorgeous.?" he asked with a huge grin on his face. I couldn't find words so I just shook my head as he helped me onto the stage.  My heart was racing an they started the music. I looked into Nathans gorgeous green eyes as he sang, even when he was singing his eyes never left mine. I couldn't move or speak or do anything but continue getting lost in his eyes.

~Nathans POV~

When we walked on stage I saw a girl in the crowd who was gorgeous and I felt like I needed to know her. I dont belive in love at first sight, but there was something about her that was different.

I know I have a girlfriend, but Gemma was more friend material. She didnt seem interested in our actual relationship, but more about the publicity. Latley she seemed to have an attitude problem and she had no problem yelling at me or any of the boys whenever she didnt get what she wanted or something didnt happen how she pictured it. In the beggining she was sweet, but now that I think about it shes never actually acted like she had much interest in our relationship.

I also knew none of the boys got on with her very well. Especially Tom. He had no problem showing his dislike for her either.

I was thinking too hard and almost missed my solo. I snapped out of my thoughts and sang but the whole time I was thinking and even as I was singing I couldnt take my eyes off of her, and by the looks of the sign she was holding, she liked me. I had to talk to this girl.

We finished singing Behind bars and Max started talking to the audience. When he started talkin I walked back to Jay. I had to tell someone about this girl. I never even met her but I knew I had to.

I stood next to Jay and spoke quietly, away from the mic so the audience couldnt hear. "Bird, see that girl over there.?" I asked poking his side.

"Yeah, what about her mate.?" he asked "I need to talk to her." i said "Why, do you know her from somewhere.?" he asked confused.

"No, thats the problem, I have to get to know her, I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach I just need to talk to her. "Someones got a crush, what about Gem.?" he asked with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I dont know, and right now I honestly dont care, I just need to talk to her." I said rolling my eyes. "Well bring her on stage during Heart Vacancy twat." he said with a chuckle

"I will" i spat back, then the music for Invincible started. We sang a few more songs, then it was time for Heart Vacancy. I felt my heart skip and my stomach did flips. my palms got sweaty and I was nervous.

How the hell am I supposed to bring this girl on stage and sing to her if I cant even think about her without getting nervous.? Well Im gonna have to make it work becaue I HAVE to talk to her.

The other boys pick their girls. Then Jay spoke into the mic "Nathan, looks like you've got someone who fancies you over here too." he had a cheeky grin on his face. I blushed a bit but I dont think it was very noticable. "You ok if I bring you up here with me gorgeous.?" i asked cheekily.  She looked starstruck and just shook her head. I helped her on stage and starred into her eyes as I sang. I couldnt help but stare into her gorgeous light brown eyes.  

The song was over much too quick. We walked the girls backstage and security helped them to their seats. Just as she was starting to walk to her seat, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side.

"Hi" I said looking into her eyes. "....Hi" she said her voice shaking slightly. "So I dont have much time to talk now, but take these and come see  me backstage after the show, and the extra one is for your friend." I said handing her 2 back stage passes. "Oh my god, are you being serious.?" she asked shocked."Of course, your too gorgeous to let get away, so meet me here after the show....sorry I didnt catch your name" I asked embarassed that I forgot to get her name before this. "Im Briella" she said clearly still in shock.

She walked back to her seat with the passes. I walked back on stage and we finished the concert. I was so happy to get the concert done with. I really wanted to talk to Briella. I got to our dressing room and waited for the girls to come back. It seemed like forever but Martin came in and told us we had 2 girls with passes and I was so excited to see her. My stomach was full of butterflies.

"Bring them in already" I said almost too excited. "Ok, OK Nath, keep your pants on.!" He spat back with a grin on his face. He walked out of the room.

A few seconds later the door handle turned and Briella and her friend walked in. I saw her and my heart melted. God what is this girl doing to me. I walked over to her and brought her over to the couch and we both sat down...... 

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