Chapter 6- Good-Bye

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~Nathans POV~

Briella told me about her parents and she looked so upset and Im not sure why but I HAD to kiss her.

I was so lost in the kiss when suddenly I remembered Gemma. I pulled away from the kiss feeling guilty.

I had always promised myself I would never cheat on any one of my girlfriends no matter what the situation was and whether I liked it or not I have a girlfriend already. I sat there with a guilty expression on my face for a good 10 minutes, I didnt say a word I just sat there thinking.

I was brought back to reality when Briella ran out of the room in tears. I got up and ran after her. I didnt have to go far to find her.

She was sitting on the floor a few feet outside the room we had been in just minutes ago, kissing and to be completely honest, It was the best kiss Ive ever had. She was flawless and though I was guilty a part of me was happy that it happened.

I knelt down beside her and pulled her into my chest. She sat there for a couple of seconds and then pulled away. I opened my mouth to talk to her, but she stopped me and she spoke instead.

"Nathan, Im so sorry about everything. I feel awful and I know we cant see each other again." she said tears forming in her eyes.  

"Why cant we see each other?" i asked 

"NATHAN, you have a girlfriend, Ive just made you cheat on her." she yelled, tears now steadily flowing down her cheeks.

I pulled her face level to mine so she was looking into my eyes "Briella, first of all I kissed YOU. Second of all I wouldnt have kissed you if I didnt have feelings for you. I know I have a girlfriend, and this wasnt the way for this t happen, but honestly Im glad it did. I realised I want you, I need you."

"Nathan dont say that. You have a flawless girlfriend who cares about you just like you care about her." she said pulling away from my gaze.

"Gemma is NOT flawless! And I want YOU Briella, not her YOU!!!" I shouted, getting flustered and teary-eyed. 

"NATHAN, YOU JUST MET ME!!" She yelled tears still falling down her cheeks.

"I KNOW, ITS CRAZY BUT I NEED YOU!! " I yelled pulling her towards me. 

"No Nathan, you need your girlfriend, Im sorry Nath Good-Bye" she said quietly (nearly whispered) as she pulled away and ran towards the dressing room.

I leaned against the wall and lost it. My head was in my hands and tears were falling down my face. I wasnt sure why but I had to have her, and I just let her slip through my fingers, just like that she was gone.

~Briella's POV~ 

 "I KNOW, ITS CRAZY BUT I NEED YOU!! " He yelled pulling my body towards his.

I let my self fall into his arms, but only for a couple seconds.I couldnt stay any longer, I had to go find  Mollee and go home.

"No Nathan, you need your girlfriend, Im sorry Nath Good-Bye" I whispered and ran down the long hallway and back through the lobby. I finally got to the dressing room trying to hide my tear stained cheeks and blotchy face.

I walked through the door and everyones eyes turned to me. Mollee ran over to me immediately. She could tell by the look on my face that I wasnt ok.

"Whats wrong hun?" she asked while pulling me into a hug.

"Nothing, we just have to get out of here, I need to go home." I said blowing it off like I was fine, but she knew I wasnt.

"Ok, but you better tell me later."  she said walking back to Jay to say good-bye.

They exchanged numbers and he walked her (us) to the car. I climbed into the passengers seat and waited for Mollee to finish saying good-bye yet again. 

She finally climbed into the drivers seat,a smile on her face. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Mollee broke the silence. 

"What happened back there love? You seemed happy when you guys were talking"

"Its nothing, I dont wanna talk right now, Im really tired. Mind if I sleep the ride home?" I asked faking a yawn, 

"Ok, but your gonna have to tell me sometime."she said turning on the radio

I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I knew  I wasnt gonna be able to actually sleep because my mind was going 500 miles an hour thinking about everything that happened tonight. I just wanted to get home and try to sleep in my bed. 

~2 hours later~

We finally got back to my house. I told Mollee just to stay the night because it was so late and I didnt want her to get into an accident. She agreed so I gave her the spare room and some of my clothes to  sleep in, then I finally went to bed. 

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