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APPARENTLY MY MOM WAS A WIZARD? Sorcerer? Witch? What would you even call it? While she drove me to her 'old friend's' place she was telling me about her glory days, studying abroad in South Asia and learning about the 'mystic arts'. Huh?

    This was all news to me.

    "He's a surgeon. An incredible neurosurgeon." She told me. "He got in an accident and lost movement in his hands. I met him at Kamar-Taj. He's our best bet at getting you help."

    "Can we go back to the part where you said you learned to be a what? A magician?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

    "Another time, Emmie." She smiled at me. "We're here."

    Sanctum Sanctorum, 177a Bleecker Street


    "HELLO?" My mom calls into the echoey, lonely looking building. There's no one in sight and the interior of the building gives me an uneasy feeling. It's cold and dark and not necessarily inviting, but still, my mom walks further inside.

    The doors shut behind us and I turn around with wide eyes. Yeah, I definitely don't think we should be here.

    A man with a big cape thing starts floating down the stairs. I'm so confused by his outfit that I don't pay much attention to his face. He's wearing what looks like a complicated robe, a red cape, and he has a big oval thing around his neck. I thought this guy was a surgeon..

"Maura?" He says my moms name. "What brings you here?"

"Stephen, this is my daughter Emilia." She gestures to me. "We need your help."


THE CAPE WEARING SURGEON led us to a sitting room and we explained my situation.

"Emilia got in an accident a while ago. Severe nerve damage, hand paralysis. We've tried everything, surgeries, therapies, medication."  My mom starts. "Nothing is working. She's in so much pain. And- show him, Emmie."

I raise my hands and the man watches them as they shake. "I can't control it. I can't do anything."

"I understand you went through a similar situation." My mom continued. "We just want help." She sighs. In the dim lighting I can see how exhausted she is.

Stephen looks at us for a moment before responding.

"I know better than any other professional what it's like and I'm truly sorry about your situation, Emilia. But unfortunately, I cannot help you."

"What? Why not?" My mom asks.

"My duties as the Sorcerer Supreme keep me very busy. You know, protecting the Earth from other-worldly threats. My focus is elsewhere and I'm afraid I wouldn't be much of a help anyways."

Sorcerer Supreme? What the hell..?

"Stephen, you said it yourself. You know better than anyone else what she's dealing with. When you were dealing with this I'm sure as hell you did not like it when you just wanted help and got turned down."

"You know what I'd have to do to help her. Do you really want that for your what? Fifteen year old daughter?"

"Fourteen." I corrected him, feeling very small watching the adults discuss me.

"I'm sorry Maura. I cannot help you." He sighs.

"You can't help or you won't help?" My mom presses. "She's just a kid. She should not have to be going through this."

"I'm sorry."

"No, you're not." My mom stands, signaling for me to do the same. She takes one last look at the man before continuing. "You're still as arrogant as you once were, Stephen Strange."

I followed her towards the door we came in, feeling disappointed that I really thought this would work out. He's just another egotistic doctor who thinks my situation is below his pay grade. I silently accept that my hands will never be fixed.

    "Wait."  He calls from behind us. We turn to face him as he steps toward us.

    "It will take a while. But if you both trust me, we can heal her body with her mind."


"USE MY SPIRIT TO HEAL THE BODY?!" I mock what Strange said to my mom later that night. "What kind of bullshit is that?!"

"Hey!" She pointed her spatula at me, squinting her eyes as a warning. We were in the kitchen of our small apartment, cooking supper together. My mom was stirring meat on the stove and I was chopping vegetables on the counter.

"Who even is this guy anyway?" My older sister Lucía asks. She's sitting on the counter by me watching us cook. "Some kind of wizard?"

"Yes." I deadpan. "I thought he was a surgeon."

"He is-was." My mom interjected. "Emmie, he knows what he's talking about. He's going to help you."

"Yeah, I'm gonna heal my severe nerve damage by changing my mindset." I roll my eyes.

"Emilia, you need to give him more credit." My mom scorns. "He's living proof that it works."

"Oh yeah? Then why isn't he still a surgeon?"

"He changed career paths." Lucía laughs.

"Both of you cut it out now!" My mom raises her voice. "Emilia, we both want for you to get help. But your attitude is not going to help you at all. You will go there tomorrow with an open mind and see what this can do for you."

I stay silent for a few moments, thinking about what my mom just said. Lucía jumps off the counter and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Mind over matter, Emmie."


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