015. so said emily

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As the days went on and things went back to normal, Luke couldn't stop thinking about what Julie had proposed.

What if he actually did make things right with his parents? How would he even explain everything that had happened? It couldn't be worth all of the chaos it would cause, could it?

Luke spotted Julie in the hallway one day at school before lunch and quickly caught up with her. "Hey, Jules, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. You down to take a walk real quick before we eat?"

"Yeah, of course I am," Julie replied with a nod and a little smirk. She was thinking it would be about their last little moment before defeating Caleb, but she was wrong. That would have to wait.

They set their things down at the lunch table with Flynn, Reggie, and Alex before heading off to walk through the halls. "Hey, where are you guys going?" Flynn shouted after them as they headed to leave. "Just taking a walk! We'll be back soon!" Luke called back in return.

"So, what's been on your mind, Luke?" Julie asked as they walked out. Luke looked up at the walls as he muttered, "Well-- I've been thinking about what you said about my parents. I kind of want to tell them, but I'm not sure how. They still think I'm dead."

Julie nodded. "Oh. Right. That makes sense. Um, I guess I could go with you and tell them and then you could see them. It would probably be smart to bring Alex and Reggie too so they don't think I'm lying or anything. Does that sound okay to you?"

"That sounds perfect," Luke said with a priceless grin. "Thanks, Jules. I knew I could count on you." Julie smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. "Of course, Luke. You know I'd do anything for you."

They both stood there staring into each other's eyes for a moment before Luke awkwardly cleared his throat and smiled. "So, uh, you need anything before we head back?" Julie shook her head and tried to hide her laugh from the awkwardness. "Nope. I'm good. We should probably go tell Flynn and the guys."


A week after Luke and Julie talked about telling his parents, they were at his house staring at the door, looking at each other like they were the only two people on the planet. "Are you sure you're ready? I didn't want to pressure you into this or anything," said Julie.

Luke shook his head. "Nah, I was the one who came to you for help. I've-- We've got this. You're still in this too, right?" Julie nodded with a soft smile. "Always."

Alex gave Reggie a look in the bushes where they were hiding, waiting for their moment to say hello to the Pattersons and whispered, "See? They need to just admit their feelings for each other and go on a date. This is what happened while you were gone. They're as slow as snails."

"You can say that again," Reggie said with an eyeroll. "I thought they were gonna start dating as soon as we became alive again." Alex sighed. "Yeah. If only it weren't for Elle and Luke's long lasting feelings..."

Reggie lightly shook his head. "No, he's definitely over Elle. He just doesn't wanna get hurt again. You can't blame him. She was a little rat to him. But Julie's different. They're in love." He said as he raised his eyebrows with a little smirk.

Julie smiled and quickly squeezed Luke's hand before ringing the doorbell. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before saying, "Good luck," and going to join Alex and Reggie hiding in the bushes.

"Oh, hello young lady. Julie, isn't it?" Mr. Patterson asked with a soft smile on his face. Julie smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I was wondering if I could talk to you and Miss Emily again. There's something I think you guys will want to know."

Tears began to gather in Luke's eyes as he watched Julie interact with his father and his father warmly welcome her in. It was strange to see everything so different than when he actually lived there. All he wanted to do was go hug his mom and dad.

"Hi, Julie, it's lovely to see you again," Emily said with a warm, wrinkly smile on her face. "It's lovely to see you again too, Mrs. Patterson." She glanced back at Mr. Patterson as well. "I think you two might want to sit down for what I have to tell you. It's kind of going to shake your world."

The warm smile quickly melted off Emily's face and was replaced with a dark shadow. "Oh, no. What's happened? Has someone else passed away in the way my boy's band did?"

Julie's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, no! No, of course not! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I promise this isn't anything bad. It's actually really beautiful news. I think you're going to be very happy after hearing it."

A light smile spread across Mr. Patterson's lips. "Ah, really? That's wonderful. Please, do tell us more, Julie." Julie looked between the old couple and inhaled a deep breath before telling them, "Luke is alive again."

Emily frowned. "Oh, Julie. I don't know what you think you've seen, but I promise he isn't. We've seen him so many times, but it isn't real. Thank you for believing in him, though. I'm sure he would have loved you."

"No, really. Mrs. Patterson, you have to believe me. He and his band came back as ghosts in my garage. It's how I first found out about them in the first place. I joined his band and we even got to play the Orpheum! I brought all three of them with me here today," Julie replied.

"The Orpheum," Mr. Patterson said numbly. "That's where the police told us that Luke and his band were supposed to play the night they passed."

Emily frowned. "What do you mean, you have brought them with you here? Please tell me you are not some kind of magician. We have seen too many terrors in our life time."

Julie swallowed nervously. "Please, just give me one second. You have to trust me. I don't know how they're back alive, but they are. Just give me one second to tell them to come in."

Emily nodded slowly and squeezed her eyes shut as she quietly muttered to herself, "Please, dear God, let this be true. Let our baby boy come home."

Luke, Alex, and Reggie were standing right outside of the door and their faces lit up when Julie opened the door and firmly told them, "It's time."

Julie took Luke's hand into hers as they walked into the house to see his parents together. He didn't know what to expect, but at least he would have his girl by his side.

"Luke? Is that really you?" Emily asked as a flood of tears began spilling onto her cheeks.

Luke nodded as he ran to hug his mom and dad.

"How are you alive?" Mr. Patterson asked hoarsely in tears.

Luke shook his head and said, "It was Julie. It was all Julie. She helped us. We came back to life after we all played the Orpheum together."

"Oh, your boys too," Emily cried as she extended her arms out to Alex and Reggie.

They stood their, holding each other as tight as humanly possible, for what felt like hours. Emily then extended her arm to Julie. "Oh, Julie. Thank you. You've brought our boy back to us. Thank you."

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