Chapter 13 ×

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Jayce Jenkins •

"So you telling me he put a gun to ya head an ain't shoot?" I nodded pulling out my lighter and lighting my blunt.

"Thats some fuck shit."

"It really is." I said blowing smoke through my nose. I got up and went in the house as Shawn followed me.

Delilah Parker •

"Tavaris stop." I giggled, while pushing his chest.

"You know you don't want me to, so stop playing with me."

I backed up and bumped into someone.

"Aye watch where the fuck you going." He hissed in pain. I turned around and my eyes widened at Trenton's appearance. I looked at his arm that was in a sling. I pointed at his arm.

"What happened?"

"Don't worry about it. Worry about the nigga you told me not to worry about." He said nodding his head towards Tavaris.

I gritted my teeth.

"You never loved me, so don't put that on me." I said hitting him in his arm.

"I love how y'all talking about me like I'm not here." Tavaris said while walking up to Delilah and putting his arms around her waist. Trenton poked out his lip and nodded.

"So you with him now?" Tavaris walked up on him and got in his face.

"Yeah nigga, there a problem?" Trenton mugged him.

"I could've sworn I was talking to her and not you.

"I can speak even if I'm not spoken too." He chuckled.

"You just a pussy nigga anyway."

Tavaris Braxton

"Nigga what you call me?" I said raising my fist.

Before I knew he had a gun to my head. I patted my pockets, but realized I left my gun at home. Shit. I thought to myself.

"You really gone bring a gun to a fist fight partner? Thats a bitch move." He smiled and dropped his gun. I took my opportunity and punched him right in his jaw.

"Tavaris no, the first time was enough!" I heard Delilah yell but I zoned her out, to busy beating this nigga ass. He was getting some licks in for a nigga that can only fight with one arm.

I was hitting this nigga so hard, that I didn't realize I hit Delilah on accident. My whole heart dropped. I stopped and turned around to see Delilah on the ground holding her mouth. I squatted down towards her.

I reached my hand towards her to only get it slapped away.

"No, don't fucking touch me!" She yelled at me. I seen the mark I left on her face and felt guilty. She got up pushing her hair out her face running down the street, guessing back to the house to get her car.

No later then a minute later, I seen her car zoom past me.

"Fuck!" I yelled putting my hands behind my head looking up to the sky.

"That's what the fuck you get nigga." I heard Trenton say. I stormed over to him and stuck him right in the jaw.

"Shut yo ass up boy." He spat blood out on the sidewalk and layed back on the concrete, groaning. I put my hands in my pockets and walked down the street back to my house.

Nia Harris •

"I'll see you later babe." I said standing on my tippy toes, pecking his lips. He smiled,

"Alright baby, I'll call you." I nodded, closing the door after he left.

I sat on the couch, grabbing the remote. I turned the channel to Being Mary Jane and leaned back.

My phone let out a bing, signaling a text message.

Hubby Willie : Delilah just pulled up and she don't look to happy. Just wanted to let you know, look like she finto blow. Ya feel?

I let out a sigh, wondering what done happened.

Me : Alright thanks baby.

Hubby Willie : No Problem.

I sat my phone down on the couch. As soon as I did that, I heard a knock at the door. Knowing it was Delilah, i got up immediately. I got up and pulled down my shirt, walking towards the door.

I opened the door and instantly covered my mouth.

"Oh my fucking gosh, Delilah! What happened?" I grabbed her arm, dragging her into the house. I shut the door and sat her down on the couch. I examined her face and frowned.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Tavaris hit me." My eyes widened, and my frown deepened. I began to get up to get my keys, but Delilah already knew my actions and pulled me back down.

"I don't think it was on purpose." I lifted my eyebrow and folded my arms.

"How can a man hitting a female be an "accident" ?" She sighed.

"Well, him and Trenton we're fighting." I stayed quiet, to let her continue.

"They had fought before and I tried to stop him from fighting him again because the first time was enough. So I'm guessing he was to into the fight, he didnt realize he hit me."

I shook my head at what she just told me.

"What did you do?" She crossed her arms.

"I got angry and left him there." I chuckled.

"Typical Delilah." She cracked a smile and nodded.

"Did he see the fucking mark he left on your face though?" I said touching her cheek. She hissed in pain and swatted at my hand.

"Yeah, he looked hurt."

"He gone be hurt when I see him." I seen her phone light up and I nodded towards it. She picked it up and rolled her eyes, putting it back down on the table.


"You already know."

"Well, if you want to stay the night here you can. You know your always welcome."

"Nah, I'll just go home. I don't want to trouble you." My expression softened.

"Well alright, call me if anything goes wrong okay?" She nodded. Grabbing her phone off the table and stuffing it in her back pocket. Getting her keys heading towards the door.

"Hey." She turned around.


"I love you." She smirked.

"I love you too Nia." When she went out the door, I got up and locked it. Heading upstairs to go to bed.



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