A Little Sleep

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It was only an hour until the ship's slip drive would be engaged. An hour until it would leave the confines of real-space and begin the slide down the Einstein-Rosen geodesics to its destination. The tradition aboard the Irrawaddy Skinner was for the crew to sit down for one last meal before entering the stasis chamber. It was their last chance to talk, to be together - until they were woken from their long sleep.

The table was littered with the debris from the dinner: dishes, cups, leftover food and drink. The crew had gathered in small knots. Chatter and bursts of laughter filled the air. Underneath the table, two hands met, clasped fingers, and then pulled apart.

"Guess I'd better get everything squared away before we go into stasis. Don't want to wake up and find the joint taken over by some mutant fungus." Martha stood up, ignoring the ripple of laughter.

Grieg, the first officer, pushed his plate across the mess room table. "Wouldn't worry about that. By the time we get up, anything we leave out will be fossilised." He looked around hopefully, but there was no response from the others.

"Do you need a hand?" Jana glanced at Martha.

"Sure, girlfriend. Why not? We can leave the boys to their bullshit man-talk." Martha started stacking the plates. "Come on."

The two women left the crew mess and crossed the narrow passage to the galley, leaving the others to carry on. There was just the two of them. Alone. Together.

"How long is it going to be this time?" Jana asked.

Martha placed a stack of dishes in the cleanser. "Six months for this slide. Objective." She glanced up at Jana. "But it won't seem that long."

"Six months." Jana reached out, put her hands around Martha's waist and pulled her close. "That's one hell of a dry spell. How are we going to cope?"

"We've had ... ." Martha took a deep breath as she felt Jana's lips on her neck. "Much." Jana's mouth moved down to her shoulders. "Longer." Down.

There was a hammering at the galley hatch. Martha woke with a start. Jana was leaning against her, asleep, her breathing deep and regular. "Wh-what is it?" Martha asked.

The hatch opened and Grieg stuck his head through the gap. He grinned. "It's almost time for the slide. We're waiting for you." Then, after one last look, he left.

Martha nudged her companion. "Hey. Sleepy head."

"Mmm?" Jana stirred.

"Time to get up. We've got to go to bed."

Jana struggled to sit upright. She smiled. "At least I'll have something to dream about."

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