family line (simon)

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imagine simon goes to visit his father after a few months without any contact.
as simon enters the small apartment, the familiar smell of beers and cigarettes hits him. his father doesn't seem to notice him at first, and he looks for him in the living room. as he enters, he sees his father lying on the couch, as he usually does, surrounded by empty beer bottles and cigarette butts. simon goes to him and attempts to wake him up, hoping to reconnect with his father after months without speaking.

suddenly, his father grabs him and pushes him against the wall, and before simon can even react, he punches him in the face. simon is completely taken aback, unable to process what has just happened. he looks at his father, speechless and with fear in his eyes.

his father quickly realizes what he has done and tries to pull simon back, but it's too late. simon tears himself away from him and storms out of the apartment.

as he walks back home, simon is unable to think of anything else. he wants to talk to someone about what has just happened, but he doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems. he doesn't want to talk to wilhelm, as he knows that wilhelm himself has problems with his parents, and he can't talk to sara or his mother because they don't know about the secret visits.

just before he arrives at his home, he walks past a playground, and the song 'family line' by conan gray starts playing. he looks at the little boy playing with his father, and the two of them seem extremely happy. he can't help but feel a pang of sorrow as he looks at them. the next line of the song begins to play:

~"it's hard to put it into words, how the holidays will always hurt."~

simon feels a lump in his throat and tears start to form in his eyes. he can't help but wonder what he has done to deserve this type of relationship with his father.

~"I watch the fathers with their little girls, and I wonder what I did to deserve this...~

the tears start to fall down his cheeks, and he starts to walk faster, trying to get home as soon as possible.

🎧 - family line by conan gray

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