girls (stella)

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imagine stella and the girls had a wonderful evening, with board games, silly videos, and dancing to their favorite tiktok dances. the laughter and chatter filled the air, and for a few hours, the worries of the world were forgotten. as the night wore on, the conversation turned toward deeper topics, and the girls began to talk about their crushes.

stella was quiet, feeling uncomfortable as the others spoke about boys they liked. she had never told anyone before, but she had a crush on one of the girls in the group. she didn't know how to deal with her feelings, and she was terrified of what would happen if she revealed her secret.

as the conversation continued, felice noticed stella's silence. "is everything okay, stella?" she asked, concerned. stella blushed and hesitated, trying to find the words to answer. "oh, I'm just a little tired," she said, hoping felice would believe her. felice didn't press any further, and stella was grateful she didn't have to reveal her secret.

as the evening came to an end, the girls changed into comfortable clothes and turned on the fairy lights, creating a warmer and more cozy atmosphere. stella and fredrika lay together on a bed, and as fredrika drifted off to sleep, stella couldn't help but think about how much she cared for her. she remembered the moment when she fell in love with fredrika, when they snuggled together while watching the horror movie. in that moment, stella felt safe and loved with fredrika in her arms, and that feeling had never left her.

as stella lay awake, her thoughts turned to the future. she wished she could tell fredrika how she felt, but the fear of ruining their friendship held her back. she didn't want to lose fredrika, the person she loved most. but as she lay next to her, her feelings became too strong to ignore. she leaned in slowly, her heart racing, and was just about to kiss her when she remembered fredrika's trust. she didn't want to betray that trust, so she pulled back and turned the other way.

stella's tears flowed as she faced away from her. she realized that there might never be anything between them, and the thought tore at her heart. suddenly, a shooting star lit up the night sky, causing stella to pause and close her eyes. in that moment, stella made a wish.

for just a moment, time seemed to stand still. as the shooting star streaked through the night sky, stella closed her eyes and wished for fredrika to feel for her what she felt for her. but more than that, she wished for fredrika's happiness above all else. if that meant that she couldn't have her, then so be it. she wanted fredrika to live a full and happy life with someone who truly deserved her love.

as the shooting star vanished into the darkness, stella felt a sense of peace wash over her. she still didn't know what the future held for her and fredrika, but she had a feeling that everything would work out the way it was meant to. with a contented sigh, she snuggled in closer to fredrika and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of brighter days to come.

🎧 - girls by girl in red

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