simon's dad (wilmon)

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(because we didn't see simon tell wilhelm about his father in season 3)

wilhelm had been counting down the hours until he could finally sneak out of hillerska and run to simon's arms. he took the bus to bjerstadt, his heart pounding with anticipation. the cold air bit at his face, but he welcomed the chill, knowing that it meant he was one step closer to his beloved.

as he knocked on the front door, he felt his nerves rising with each passing second. he hadn't seen simon in days, and he missed him so much that he felt like he was going to burst. when the door swung open, and simon's bright smile greeted him, wilhelm felt like the world had come alive again.

without a word, simon pulled wilhelm into a tight embrace, their lips pressing together in a heated kiss. wilhelm felt like he was on cloud nine, his heart racing as he wrapped his arms around simon's waist. he had waited so long for this moment, and now it was finally here. he didn't care about the fact that they were in the middle of a dark, cold street, or that people might be watching. all that mattered was that he was with the person he loved, and nothing else could compare.

as they finally broke apart, simon took wilhelm's hand and led him inside. he had missed wilhelm so much that he could barely contain his joy. as they walked towards his room, simon's fingers interlaced with wilhelm's, the warmth of his touch filling wilhelm's heart with love.

wilhelm let out a shaky breath as he felt the warmth of simon's touch, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. simon's gentle smile was like a balm on his soul, and for a moment, he felt like nothing in the world could go wrong.

as they walked through the hallway, wilhelm's mind raced with thoughts of all the things they could do together. he wanted to take simon's hand and pull him into a tight embrace, to hold him close and never let him go. but he also wanted to take his time, to savor every moment they had together.

finally, they reached simon's room and walked inside. the sight of simon's messy bed, strewn with clothes and books, brought a smile to wilhelm's face. it was such a contrast to his own tidy and regimented room, and yet it was perfect for simon.

"I've missed you so much," wilhem said, his voice soft and filled with emotion. simon's gaze met his, and wilhelm could see the love shining in those bright eyes.

without a word, they exchanged a long and tender kiss, their bodies pressed together in a moment of pure bliss. the rest of the world fell away, and for a moment, they were lost in each other's arms.

finally, they broke apart, both breathing heavily. wilhelm took a step back, not wanting to smother simon, but still wanting to be near him. simon took wilhelm's hand and led him over to his bed, and they both lay down together, listening to the sound of each other's breathing.

as they lay there, wilhelm felt a sense of contentment wash over him. he had finally found someone who truly understood him, someone who loved him for who he was, not for what he represented. for the first time in a long time, he felt free, like he could finally be himself, without hiding behind a mask.

and with simon by his side, wilhelm knew that he could face whatever the world threw at him. they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

they lay on simon's bed for a while. the silence between them was deafening, save for the quiet humming of the aquarium in the corner. wilhelm looked into simon's eyes, he looks a bit sad. he wanted to take away the pain and sadness that he saw in simon's eyes and hold him close, but he knew that there was nothing he could say or do that would make it all better.

"simon, what's wrong?" wilhelm eventually asked in a soft voice. "I've been so worried about you lately. I haven't heard much from you and I just want everything to be okay."

simon took a deep breath before replying, "it's's hard to talk about." he hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether or not to continue.

"simon, you can tell me anything," wilhelm said, giving simon a gentle squeeze. "I'm here for you, no matter what it is."

"it's my dad," simon finally said, his voice breaking. "he's an alcoholic and he takes drugs. my family has been through so much because of him, and I can't take it anymore."

wilhelm felt his heart ache for simon as he listened to the hurt and pain in his voice. he had never seen simon like this before, and he knew that he had to be there for him. he brought simon into a tight embrace, holding him close and letting him cry it out.

"I'm here for you, simon," wilhelm said quietly. even though they talked about the royal family more often, they never really got around to talk about simon's family.

tears filled simon's eyes as he sniffed, "last week, I went to his house, and it was a disaster. everything was covered in empty beer bottles and cigarette butts," he recalled with remorse. simon's voice caught in his throat as he remembered the sight of his father lying on the couch, soaked through with alcohol. "I'm sorry I just can't..." he mumbled through his anguish.

wilhelms heart was pierced with sorrow as he took simon in his arms. despite the pain of his own struggles, wilhelm could not bear to see his friend in such despair. he embraced him tightly and whispered, "shh... everything will be alright. I'm here for you and we'll get through this together okay?" wilhelms gentle words soothed simon's broken heart, and he clung to him as he continued breaking down in tears.

🎧 - heal by tom odell

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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