the last dance (wilmon)

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imagine wilhelm and simon walking along the river in the woods one summer evening. as the sun started to set and the stars began to shine, they made their way down a winding path through the tall trees. the air was warm and the full moon cast a soft light on the path in front of them.

they walked and talked, both enjoying the other's company, and soon found themselves at their favorite spot by the river. the clearing was surrounded by tall trees and the gentle sounds of the river filled the air. they sat down, admiring the beautiful night sky, and talked about their dreams and desires.

suddenly, wilhelm jumped up and took simon's hand. "come on, let's dance in the moonlight!" wilhelm's voice was full of excitement, and simon couldn't resist the sound of it. he hesitated for a moment but ultimately gave in to wilhelms' enthusiasm.

wilhelm put his hands on simon's shoulders, and they both looked deeply into each other's eyes. they danced as if it were their last dance, their movements in perfect synchronization. the music was all around them, and they forgot everything but the present moment, lost in the night.

as they danced, they felt like they were floating on air. wilhelm whispered "you're so beautiful," to simon, his voice filled with love and admiration. simon blushed, feeling the warmth of their connection flood through him. "you're the most wonderful person I've ever known," simon whispered back.

together, they danced on as if they were alone in the world, the stars twinkling above them and the river flowing alongside them. it was a magical moment that they both knew they would never forget.

🎧 - der letzte tanz by bosse
ib: mariescontentt on tiktok

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