nightmare (wilmon)

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wilhelm's nightmares had become all too familiar, his body wracked with tension and his mind awhirl with troubling thoughts. it had been days since he had a good night's sleep, and the stress and pressure of the past few weeks were catching up to him. they had become a weight on his shoulders, a dark cloud always threatening to unleash a storm.

but tonight, the storm finally broke. wilhelm's sleep was interrupted by a vivid nightmare, in which he found himself back in his room sitting on the bed. his mother was sitting next to him, glaring at him with cold, unfeeling eyes. the words she spoke were cruel, cutting deep like a knife. "you are forbidden from ever seeing simon again," she said, her voice devoid of any warmth or kindness. "it is not good for the reputation of the royal family, and something like this should never happen again. I am sending you to another school, where you will no longer have contact with that boy."

the words hung in the air, heavy with consequence and finality. wilhelm felt a lump form in his throat, a knot of emotion that he didn't know how to untangle. the thought of losing simon was unbearable, and the idea of being isolated from the only person who truly understood him left him feeling alone and abandoned.

he woke with a choked gasp, sweat clinging to his skin and a sinking feeling in his chest. simon's arms wrapped around him, gentle and warm. he felt a weight lifted from his shoulders, if only for a moment. his boyfriend's presence was a reminder that he was not alone, that he had someone who cared about him and would always be there for him. "did you have a nightmare?" simon whispered, his voice laced with concern.

wilhelm nodded, his eyes still cloudy with the memory of the dream. "mhm," he admitted, voice trembling. "It was... about my mother. she... she said I couldn't see you anymore. she said she was sending me to another school again." the words came out in a rush, and he felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes.

simon's grip on him tightened, and he buried his face in the crook of the older boy's neck. "it's okay," simon whispered, his voice low and soothing. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here with you." simon said while kissing wilhelm's forehead.

the nightmare had felt so real, the emotions so raw and powerful, that it took some time for wilhelm to fully calm down. he stayed nestled in simon's arms, his heart still beating rapidly, and let the comfort of the moment wash over him.

"simon, I love you," he whispered, his voice barely audible. it seemed silly to say it in the middle of the night, but the nightmare had left him feeling a little lost and vulnerable. he needed the reassurance.

"I love you too," simon whispered back, squeezing him a little tighter. "and I'm never going to let anyone come between us. we'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."

Wilhelm closed his eyes, feeling a flood of gratitude and peace wash over him. Simon's words had the power to wash away his fears and worries, and he reveled in the feeling of being completely and utterly surrounded by love.

As he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts were no longer on the nightmare, but on the future ahead of them, and the love that would carry them through whatever trials and tribulations came their way. He fell into a deep, restful sleep knowing that, no matter what happened, he would always have Simon by his side.

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