bored (wilhelm)

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imagine wilhelm runs through the cold, dark streets with tears in his eyes, feeling empty and lonely. the argument with august and the subsequent phone call with his mother had left him feeling betrayed and alone. despite his complicated relationship with his parents, he never imagined that his mother would keep something so important from him to protect august and the kingdom. but, looking back, it made sense. no one had ever shown any interest in his feelings. the kingdom's reputation had always come first, and wilhelm had always felt like a pawn in their games. now, after erik's death, wilhelm feels like he has lost everything. he is on the verge of giving up, his mind consumed by the words of his mother and the realization that he has become completely alone.

desperate to drown out the voices in his head, wilhelm puts on his headphones and starts running. the cold air burns his lungs as he races through the streets, his eyes blinded by tears. the song "bored" by billie eilish starts to play, and wilhelm can't help but feel connected to it. every time he hears it, he can't help but cry, as if billie eilish is singing directly to his heart.

as wilhelm runs, his thoughts become darker and more negative. he starts to question his life and his relationships. suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks, looking down at the water below. the cold air is thick and he can hear his own breath, his heart pounding in his chest.

climbing one foot onto the railing of the bridge, wilhelm closes his eyes and wonders if anyone would care if he jumped down there and ended his life.

suddenly, he hears a quiet voice from behind him. "wille," the voice calls, and wilhelm turns around to see simon standing there, trembling and out of breath. simon takes wilhelm's hand and stares up at him with tears in his eyes. "wille, please, please don't do that," he pleads.

wilhelm tears up and simon pulls him into a tight embrace, whispering soothing words into his ear. in that moment, wilhelm feels a glimmer of hope. he realizes that he's not alone, that he has simon, someone who loves him and cares for him.

🎧 - bored by billie eilish

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