heather (wilmon)

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imagine simon and wilhelm were exploring the frozen forest on a cold 3th december evening, their breath visible in the chilly air. suddenly, wilhelm stopped in his tracks and simon nearly walked right into him. simon turned around and saw him smirking, a handful of snow in his hand.

"watch out, wilhelm!" simon exclaimed as he tried to duck out of the way. wilhelm threw the snowball, and it hit simon between the shoulders, causing him to stumble back. caught off guard, simon laughed and stumbled a few steps before turning around and grabbing a handful of snow himself.

"you're going down!" simon chuckled, taking a step forward. wilhelm squealed and started to run, simon hot on his heels. they played a game of chase through the snowy forest, tossing snowballs and dodging them with ease. with each toss, the tension between them grew, until they were caught in a snowball fight for the ages.

after a final snowball fight, the two of them lay exhausted on the ground, snow covering their clothes and hair. simon laughed and rolled over to face wilhelm, who was gazing at him with a warm smile.

"I've never seen snow more beautiful than you," wilhelm said, his voice soft and tender. simon blushed and snuggled closer to wilhelm, feeling his warmth and love. "I love you too," simon said, looking into wilhelm's sparkling eyes.

eventually, they both stumbled into wilhelm's room, wet and cold from the snow. wilhelm noticed that simon was particularly soaked and rushed to his closet, quickly finding his blue sweater to give him. simon's cheeks were already flushed from the cold, but they became even redder as he embraced wilhelm.

"thank you, wille," simon whispered, his arms wrapped tightly around wilhelm's shoulders. "you're the best."

wilhelm smiled and hugged him back, feeling the warmth of their love and the comfort of their connection. after everything they had been through, it was a perfect ending to a perfect night.

🎧 - heather by conan gray

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