white blood (wilhelm)

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imagine right after the call wilhelm processes the news of erik's death, he feels a wave of despair and numbness wash over him. despite everyone's attempts to stop him, he runs out of hillerska, pushing past the others as he charges toward the scene of the accident. he runs across the street and through the woods, his heart pounding in his chest as he tries to push away the reality of the situation.

when he arrives at the scene of the accident, he finds erik's car, smashed to bits, the glass shards scattered across the ground. wilhelm collapses to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably as he looks at the wreckage. blood seeps through his fingers as they cradle his bleeding hand, but he's too overwhelmed to care. the wind rushes past him as he sobs, tears streaming down his face as he tries to process the loss of his brother.

suddenly, a warm hand rests on his shoulder, and he looks up, hope shining in his eyes. it's felice, and for just a moment, he feels an overwhelming sense of relief. she pulls him close, her arms wrapping him in a tight embrace as he collapses against her, tears flowing freely. he's too numb to speak, his heart shattered and his soul aching with the weight of the loss.

"I'm here, wille," felice says, her voice calm and steady, a contrast to the chaos inside of him. "I'm always here for you, no matter what happens, okay?" she brushes a strand of hair from his face, her touch gentle and assuring. for a moment, wilhelm feels like he can finally breathe again, and the weight on his shoulders lifts, just a little. he clings to her words as if they're a lifeline, willing himself to stay afloat.

🎧 - white blood by oh wonder

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