One ( /^ _ ^/ )

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Ivory's POV

"Get your ass down here young lady!" Mum yelled from downstairs.

I hate waking up early! Especially for some stupid occasion!

Footsteps coming closer towards my room. Suddenly, the door barged open. "Ivory Kim,get your ass up and go dress up,we're going to be late!"

"Mum.." I groaned removing her hands from my butt which she tried to move me. "It's no use meeting a guy I don't even know who and get married. This is stupid!"

"Sweety,I'm so sorry but all of this marriage were due to his parent's order. And his parents is our boss. So without any complaints,we had to accept his order. No matter how stupid it is" she sigh.

"Fine...." I walk towards my closet to picj an outfit, "No need to pick any outfit. Here," she place a black box on top of my bed. "Wear this. Not scurry of and wash up!"

I did my nornal morning routine. Except I did just take a five minutes shower.

I'm not a fan of make up but some cc cream were rubbed all over my face,taupe colored eye shadows helped to make some slight smokey look,pink rose blush as an effect of petite blushing and pink cuddling lipstick as the rule.

The dress mum bought me is a sweet knee-long dress. It's a bit tight around the waist area but I'll get use to it. It was a sky blue color with some white polka dots adding some sweet touch to the dress.

With a pair of flats,my look is petite complete. I must say,I'm not really that good in sense of fashion but mum is.

"Honey,we're here!" Dad chirped. Ugh here goes nothing. I stepped out from the car and walk along with my parents.

Woohoowwoow... This is some big ass house! This guy must be rich! But hope he'll act like a nice guy though.

I had to admit,I'm nervous. I mean,meeting the guy you had to marry?! Ugh sucks.

"Oh,Eliza!" A woman around my mum's age chirped and hugged my mum,she did returned the hug too. "Come in,come in!" She looked very enthusiastic for this event.

"This must be your daughter!" She eyed me in a polite way. "Hi,I'm Ivory. Pleasure meeting you!" I try sound happy but I mostly sound like a dying dolphin.

"Awww you're so lively cute!" She pinched my cheeks. Glad she's nice! "Jeon JungKook! Hurry up,the Jeon is here!" She raged anger but still manage to look polite.

Jeon JungKook? That sounded so familiar... Hmmm...

"I'm coming!" A young man shouted from upstairs followed by the sounds of wood floor thumping. "Ahhh,Mr. Jeon"

A guy looking quite older than my dad maybe like five years older.,greeted. Must've been the father who forced me with this marriage.

They all greeted each other in adults way. Ugh,I felt so left out!

The stairs which made out of wood were thumping sounding like someone is coming. My future husband?! Please be cute,please be cute,please be cute!

Wait- Jeon Jung- Oh shit. Shitty shit shitass shit!


Wait for the next chap kay bunnies? Love yah!

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